Backing Up DTS Packages

  • I have several DTS packages I want to backup up.  I saved them as Structured Storage Files.  Is this the best way to backup DTS packages?

  • You can do so, but is an tricky way to restore the DTS packgages.


    I think the best way is to Backup all your system Databases. The Jobs and packages where stored in the MSDB- Database. Also you must Backup your System Databases every time you change a DTS or Job or Account setting on SQL.


    I hope this helps.


    Kind Regards


  • It's not tricky to restore a structured storage file.  You right click on the folder and choose open package.

    I use both methods.  The downside of depending solely on a b/u of the msdb is that you can't (at least easily) restore a single package.

    SSFs also allow the packages to be moved around from server to server easily.

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