Backing up a database

  • Hi - I have a job, which I want to schedule daily - to backup my database onto another partition on the server:

    Use master

    BACKUP DATABASE bookingcentral TO DISK = "E:\SQLServerBackups\fixit.bak"

    This just appends the current database to the BAK file - so my BAK fil is just growing and growing each day.

    Is there anyway from within the job, to give the BAK file the current date as the filename - eg: so I have lots of files like:






    Also, it would be useful for the job to delete any BAK files older than say 5 days - could anyone point me in the right direction for doing this?

    Thanks for any help,


  • You can use a database maintenance plan, it create a job for backup, and each back up file is named like, databasename_date.bck..

    in the maintenance you can specify how many day to maintain for recovery..


  • Hi - Thank you.

    Only reason I was using a Job was because I'm using XP_SMTP_MAIL dll (as I don't have MAPI/Outlook) - and I think this is the only method that the maintenance plans use.

    Thanks again though,


  • Ok, in this case, yes, you still using your actual process,

    but you can write some lines for a job to check the run_status in sysjobhistory in msdb for each job and send email for all the jobs failed.

    o write code for rename the files for each backup in the actual process...




  • Here's some code that will include the date and time in your backup name -


      @BKdate varchar(20),

     @BKExec varchar(200),

     @BKDevice varchar(200),

     @path varchar(150),

     @DBname varchar(30)

    SET @path = 'X:\SQL_Backups\'

    SET @DBname = 'PUBS'

    SELECT @BKdate= CONVERT(varchar(26),getdate(),21)

    SELECT @BKdate = REPLACE(@BKdate,':','-')

    SELECT @BKdate = REPLACE(@BKdate,' ','_')

    SELECT @BKDevice  = @path + @DBname + '_' + @BKdate + 'BKP'

    SELECT @BKExec = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + @DBname + ' TO DISK = ' + '''' + @BKDevice + '''' + ' WITH INIT, STATS=25'

    print  @BKExec

    EXEC (@BKExec)


  • Here's a stored procedure that will delete backup files based on the age given in the filename.  Note that it gets retention information and the path for the backups from a SQL table called af_DB_Backup_Ctrl.  You could incorporate something like this, or modify the procedure to use parameters instead.



    -- af_DBA_delete_full_backups_2000

    USE afDBA


      (SELECT *

       FROM sysobjects

       WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[af_DBA_delete_full_backups_2000]')

       AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

     DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[af_DBA_delete_full_backups_2000]


    CREATE  PROCEDURE  af_DBA_delete_full_backups_2000





    -- Module Name: af_DBA_delete_full_backups_2000  


    -- FILENAME FORMAT-- servername_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.bkp


    -- Description:

    --   0 input parm(s).                 

    --   0 output parm(s).


    -- Deletes full database backups that are older than the value

    -- given in af_db_Backup_Ctrl.

    -- This is a special backup procedure for the RPTMGR server.  Required because

    -- of limited disk space and large size of database.



    *****               *****  NOTE!  COLLATION CONFLICT ERROR!  *****


    ***** I ran into a problem with this procedure on ONE server.  I was getting an error

    ***** message referencing a COLLATION CONFLICT that could not be resolved.  The error

    ***** pointed to the definition of the temporary table- #file_table, specifically, the

    ***** calculated column #FileDate.  This was caused by the afDBA database being a different

    ***** collation than the SERVER collation. There are two ways to get around this error, neither

    ***** of which involve changes to the procedure!


    ***** 1. Simply execute the procedure from a database OTHER than afDBA (one that has the same

    *****    collation as tempdb).


    ***** 2. Execute the following code, which will change the collation of afDBA to match the

    *****    server collation.


    *****      DECLARE

    *****        @Collation varchar(50),

    *****        @DBA_DBName sysname,

    *****        @command varchar(100)


    *****      SET @DBA_DBName = 'afDBA'

    *****      SELECT @Collation = CAST(serverproperty('Collation') AS varchar(50))

    *****      SET @command = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + @DBA_DBName + ' COLLATE ' + @Collation

    *****      PRINT @command

    *****      EXEC @command




    -- Written By: Steve Phelps           


    -- Date: September 15, 2004        


    -- Modified :                                      

    -- Date:                                           


    -- USAGE:                                           


    --   exec af_DBA_delete_full_backups_2000   




     @File varchar(100),

     @DBName sysname,

     @FileDate datetime,

     @TodaysDate datetime,

     @his_cut_date char(10),

     @command varchar(128),

     @RetentionDays int,

     @Path varchar(128),

     @counter int,

     @asterisks char(113),

     @text varchar(128),

     @return int

    SET @counter = 0

    SET @return = 0

    SELECT @TodaysDate = GETDATE()

    CREATE TABLE #temp_table

     (#file_name varchar(100) NULL)

    CREATE TABLE #file_table

     ( #file_name varchar(100) NULL, #dbname AS SUBSTRING(#file_name, 1, (LEN(#file_name) - 28) ), #filedate AS SUBSTRING(#file_name, (LEN(#file_name) - 22), 10) + ' ' + REPLACE(SUBSTRING(#file_name, (LEN(#file_name) - 11), 8), '-', ':') )

    SET @asterisks = '****************************************************************************************************************'

    PRINT @asterisks

    SET @text = 'Current date/time:  '

     + CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(),1) + ' '

     + CONVERT(varchar(10),GETDATE(),8)

    PRINT @text

    SET @text = 'Delete Full Database backups for server = ' + @@servername

    PRINT @text

    PRINT @asterisks

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM af_DB_Backup_Ctrl WHERE BU_Type = 'F')


     SET @Text = 'Backup control record does not exist.  Delete Old Backups job failed.  Contact DBA.'


     SET @return = -1




      @Path = Path,

      @RetentionDays = Retention

     FROM af_DB_Backup_Ctrl

     WHERE BU_Type = 'F'

    IF @RetentionDays = '99'


      PRINT 'No files will be deleted.  Retention = 99 (permanent retention).'




     PRINT 'Delete full backup files which are older than ' + CAST (@RetentionDays AS varchar(2)) + ' days.'

    -- Retrieve filenames of all files in the migration folder and store in #migration_table.

    SELECT @command = 'master..xp_cmdshell ' + '"' + 'dir ' + @Path + ' /b /A:-D' + '"'

    INSERT #temp_table (#file_name)

     EXEC (@command)

    INSERT #file_table (#file_name)

     SELECT #file_name

      FROM #temp_table

      WHERE ISDATE(SUBSTRING(#file_name, (LEN(#file_name) - 22), 10) + ' ' + REPLACE(SUBSTRING(#file_name, (LEN(#file_name) - 11), 8), '-', ':')) = 1


    -- step through #file_table, checking age and deleting old files.






      FROM #file_table

      WHERE #file_name IS NOT NULL

      ORDER BY #file_name

    OPEN File_cur

    FETCH NEXT FROM File_cur INTO @File, @DBName, @FileDate

    IF @@fetch_status = -1


     CLOSE File_cur

     DEALLOCATE File_cur




     WHILE @@fetch_status <> -1


      IF DATEDIFF(dd,@FileDate, @TodaysDate) >= @RetentionDays


    --    Delete the file.

       SET @command = 'DEL ' + @Path + @File

       PRINT @command

       EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @command

       SET @counter = @counter + 1     

      END -- If datediff(dd,@FileDate,@TodaysDate) > @RetentionDays

      FETCH NEXT FROM File_cur INTO @File, @DBName, @FileDate

     END -- WHILE @@fetch_status <> -1 (File_cur)

     CLOSE File_cur

     DEALLOCATE File_cur

    END -- IF @@fetch_status (File_cur)

    PRINT CAST(@counter AS varchar(10)) + ' file(s) deleted.'




    -- delete backup history older than 3 months.

    PRINT @asterisks

    -- set @his_cut_date = 3 months ago

    SELECT @his_cut_date = CONVERT(CHAR(10), DATEADD(MONTH, -3, GETDATE()), 101) 

    -- set @his_cut_date to 1st of month

    SELECT @his_cut_date = SUBSTRING(@his_cut_date, 1, 3) + '01' + SUBSTRING(@his_cut_date, 6, 5)

    -- delete the old history

    SELECT @command = 'USE msdb EXEC sp_delete_backuphistory ' + char(39) + @his_cut_date + char(39)

    PRINT @command

    EXEC (@command)


    PRINT @asterisks


    DROP TABLE #temp_table

    DROP TABLE #file_table

  • I use procedures similar to the ones listed above.  Be careful if you use maintenance plans to delete old files.  I've found the way they do it to be fairly eratic and will sometimes delete old files and sometimes wait untill the next day.  If space is a huge issue its probably safer to script your own retention procedure so you know exactly what is going on.

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