back up restore issue

  • Hi,

    I have SQL Server in one of the co- location. I tried to copy the back up from this co-location to my work place server.

    When I try to restore the back up copy, it gives me an error saying " didn't reach the end of file" error number 18210.

    Any sort of help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Looks like the back up is no good. Did you Zip the file before transferring it from your collocation?


  • No I did not zipped the file. I just copied the *.bak file and tried to restore it. The size of the file is approx 80 Mb

  • Do a RESTORE HEADERONLY on the backup file. It should tell you whether the backup set is complete. If you see "INCOMPLETE" in the output, the backup file is bad

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Gaurav-934012 (9/16/2010)


    I have SQL Server in one of the co- location. I tried to copy the back up from this co-location to my work place server.

    When I try to restore the back up copy, it gives me an error saying " didn't reach the end of file" error number 18210.

    Any sort of help will be greatly appreciated.


    hi Gaurave

    I think the backup set may improper, pls check it by.

    restore verifyonly from disk= 'Pathof_file\file.bak'

    And let us know the ver. of SQL servers in both location.

    MCTS SQL Server2k8

  • Hi Gaurav,

    This may help you.



  • Please follow the advice as Roy pointed out to zip the backup file while transfering and then try restoring the backup.

    We had similar issue in out Stage server and was resolved by zipping the backup file and transfering it over network or FTP.

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