Back to sql 2000

  • Hi, I have found one little problem with sql server. I was using sql server 2005 beta 2 and I would like to reinstall back sql server 2000, but I cannot restore database, which was previously installed on sql 2005 ! I made backup, but I cannot restore it on sql 2000

  • Sounds like the problem is that once you created/restored to SQL 2K5 it changed the database version to 9.0 (SQL 2K5).  You will need to restore to SQL 2K5 change the version to 8.0 (SQL 2K) and backup/restore to SQL 2K.  DISCLAIMER:  I don't know if this will work but it sounds reasonable

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Shit !

    I have to reinstall sql server 2000, because the new one (2005) does not work with our company program (Noris) - it stops with error after running. The only problem is with Windows software update services database, after moving to 2k5. I made backup under 2k5, but I cannot restore under sql 2k! Is there somewhere in 2k5 option to rostore/backup in previous version ?

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