Azure SQL Function Performance issue

  • Hello Everyone,

    I am facing some challenges with SQL performance, the database is SQL Azure. Please let me know if anyone has some suggesations to improve this performance,

    Code block,

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGetAllAccountLookup] (
        @select_id nvarchar(100),
        @status nvarchar(100),
        @conditionIndex int,
        @gatewayId nvarchar(100),
        @search nvarchar(100),
        @numberOfDayWindows int,
        @accountid int,
        @profileId nvarchar(100),
        @groupId nvarchar(100),
        @IsRegistered bit,
        @MeterSizeIndex int,
        @SegmentId int =-1

    RETURNS @table TABLE (
            MeterId int,
            AccountId int,
            ConsumerName nvarchar(max),
            [Address] nvarchar(max),
            ConsumerId nvarchar(max),
            MeterSize nvarchar(100),
            MeterSizeIndex int,
            LCDRead float,
            BillingRead float,
            TotalConsumption float,
            ReadDate datetime,
            ConsumptionsFlags nvarchar(100),
            DiagnosticsFlags nvarchar(100),
            ProfileId nvarchar(100),
            LastConsumptionsFlagsDays nvarchar(100),
            IgnoredConsumptionFlags nvarchar(100),
            GatewayId nvarchar(100),
            EndpointType    nvarchar(50),
            IsUnauthorized    int,
            BackflowTrigger    float,
            LeakRate    float,
            MaxTemperature    int,
            MinTemperature    int,
            Rssi    int,
            GroupIds nvarchar(300),
            UnitRegMemo nvarchar(100),
            SegmentIds nvarchar(max)


    Declare @tmpCustomer TABLE
            MeterId int,
            AccountId int,
            ConsumerName nvarchar(max),
            [Address] nvarchar(max),
            ConsumerId nvarchar(max),            
            MeterSize nvarchar(100),
            MeterSizeIndex int,
            LCDRead float,
            BillingRead float,
            TotalConsumption float,
            ReadDate datetime,
            ConsumptionsFlags nvarchar(100),
            DiagnosticsFlags nvarchar(100),
            ProfileId nvarchar(100),
            LastConsumptionsFlagsDays nvarchar(100),
            IgnoredConsumptionFlags nvarchar(100),
            GatewayId nvarchar(100),
            EndpointType    nvarchar(50),
            IsUnauthorized    int,
            BackflowTrigger    float,
            LeakRate    float,
            MaxTemperature    int,
            MinTemperature    int,
            Rssi    int,
            GroupIds nvarchar(300),
            UnitRegMemo nvarchar(100),
            SegmentIds nvarchar(max)

            @persistConsumptionFlags varchar(max),
            @persistedDayWindows int

            @persistConsumptionFlags = persistConsumptionFlags
    FROM tblAccountSettings
    WHERE AccountId = @accountId

            @persistedDayWindows = Item
    From [SplitFunction_Index](@persistConsumptionFlags, '|')
    WHERE ID = @conditionIndex

    IF @conditionIndex >=17 and @conditionIndex <= 19
    SET @persistedDayWindows = null

    SET @search = LTRIM(RTRIM(@search))
    Declare @searchPattern nvarchar(50) = '%'+ @search +'%'  

    IF @profileId IS NOT NUll OR @groupId IS NOT NUll
    SET @select_id = ''

            INSERT INTO @tmpCustomer
                    CONVERT(nvarchar(max), DecryptByKey(EncryptConsumerName)) AS ConsumerName,            
                    CONVERT(nvarchar(max), DecryptByKey(EncryptAddress)) As [Address],                
                    CONVERT(nvarchar(max), DecryptByKey(EncryptConsumerId)) As ConsumerId,            

            FROM [dbo].[ConsumerDetails] WITH (NOLOCK) 
            WHERE IsRegistered=@IsRegistered AND AccountId=@accountid
            AND ((@numberOfDayWindows >= case when @status='Billing' then DATEDIFF(DAY,DailyChirpDate,DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE())) else @numberOfDayWindows end)
            AND (@numberOfDayWindows < case when @status='Missing' then DATEDIFF(DAY,DailyChirpDate,DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE())) else @numberOfDayWindows+1 end))
            AND (MeterSizeIndex like case when @MeterSizeIndex=-1 then MeterSizeIndex else @MeterSizeIndex end)
            AND (MeterId like @searchPattern OR ConsumerId like @searchPattern OR ConsumerName like @searchPattern OR [Address] like @searchPattern
            OR CONVERT(nvarchar(max), DecryptByKey(EncryptConsumerName)) like @searchPattern OR CONVERT(nvarchar(max), DecryptByKey(EncryptConsumerId)) like @searchPattern OR CONVERT(nvarchar(max), DecryptByKey(EncryptAddress)) like @searchPattern)
                    AND (
                ( @conditionIndex is NOT NULL AND    
                            1= (select SUBSTRING(ConsumptionsFlags, @conditionIndex, 1))
                            (@persistedDayWindows > = ( SELECT Item FROM [SplitFunction_Index](LastConsumptionsFlagsDays, '|') WHERE Id = @conditionIndex AND Item <> 0)))

                    @conditionIndex =0 AND
                    (0 = dbo.[FNFindPersistedConditionCount](LastConsumptionsFlagsDays, '|',@accountid) AND
                    (0 = dbo.[IsCurrentConditionSet](ConsumptionsFlags,1))

                ) OR
                (@conditionIndex is NULL)

        IF @select_id='All'
            INSERT INTO @table
            SELECT *
            FROM @tmpCustomer

        ELSE IF @select_id='AIM'

            INSERT INTO @table
            SELECT *
            FROM @tmpCustomer 
            WHERE ProfileId is Not Null and ProfileId > 0

        ELSE IF @select_id='AIMNB'

            INSERT INTO @table
            SELECT *
            FROM @tmpCustomer 
            WHERE (ProfileId is Null AND (ConsumerName IS NOT NULL OR [Address] IS NOT NULL OR ConsumerId IS NOT NULL ) )

        ELSE IF @select_id='AllGateWays'

            INSERT INTO @table
            SELECT *
            FROM @tmpCustomer 
            WHERE ((GatewayID IS NOT NUll) AND GatewayID = CASE WHEN @GatewayID IS NOT NUll THEN @GatewayID ELSE GatewayID END)


            -- Use this Block for all param like @ProfileId, @groupId, @gatewayId if they are not null
            INSERT INTO @table
            SELECT *
            FROM @tmpCustomer
                    WHEN @GatewayID IS NUll AND GatewayID IS NULL THEN 0
                            WHEN @GatewayID IS NUll AND GatewayID IS NOT NULL THEN GatewayID
                            ELSE @GatewayID
                END =
                    WHEN GatewayID IS NULL THEN 0
                    ELSE GatewayID
            AND CASE
                    WHEN @profileId IS NUll AND ProfileId IS NULL THEN 0
                            WHEN @profileId IS NUll AND ProfileId IS NOT NULL THEN ProfileId
                            ELSE @profileId
                END =
                    WHEN ProfileId IS NULL THEN 0
                    ELSE ProfileId
            AND CASE
                    WHEN @groupId IS NUll THEN 0
                    WHEN @groupId IS NUll THEN 0
                    ELSE (SELECT Item FROM [SplitFunction](GroupIds, ',') WHERE Item = @groupId)
                    WHEN @SegmentId = -1 THEN - 1
                    ELSE (SELECT Item FROM [SplitFunction](SegmentIds, ',') WHERE Item = @SegmentId)




    Also attaching the table creation script.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • This is a catch-all query and it's a whopper. Read the linked article.
    What's the minimum number of rows that this is likely to return? And the maximum?
    The execution plans for these two extremes, and just about everything else in between, are unlikely to be the same so it will always suck for performance because it's using the wrong execution plan. There are numerous other issues, notably non-SARGable predicates.
    This doesn't necessarily mean a full rewrite. I'd start with something simple like this:

    SELECT *

    INTO #ConsumerDetails

    FROM [dbo].[ConsumerDetails]

    WHERE IsRegistered = @IsRegistered

    AND AccountId = @accountid


    - then select from #ConsumerDetails with all the filters. Try a couple of different clustered indexes on the temp table (don't bother with non-clustered). Also note that NULL handling in this function is primitive: try this:


    @GatewayID IS NULL OR GatewayID = @GatewayID-which means: if the parameter is null then ignore it, otherwise filter the column by the parameter. This should get you started:

    WHERE (@select_id = 'All')

    OR (@select_id = 'AIM' AND ProfileId > 0)

    OR (@select_id='AIMNB' AND ProfileId IS NULL AND (ConsumerName IS NOT NULL OR [Address] IS NOT NULL OR ConsumerId IS NOT NULL ) )

    OR (@select_id='AllGateWays' AND (@GatewayID IS NULL OR @GatewayID = GatewayID))

    If you want performance then I think you will have to forget about setting this up as a table-valued function and roll it into your sprocs instead.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi <a title="Go to ChrisM@Works, 

    Thank you for your feedback, we will use it and will let you know about the result.

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