Azure SQL DB pulling from on-premises SQL Server via Data Gateway

  • Hallo
    I would like to know if and how I could import into an Azure SQL Database pulling data from an on-premises SQL Server via a Microsoft Data Gateway.
    Do I need to use something like Microsoft Flow or Azure Data Factory?
    Thanks in advance

    I'll need to feed the Azure Database from many different on-premises SQL Databases from different customers, whose IPs could possibly change over time and in non-predictable ways (switching over backup connections, changes of infrastructure, etc).
    Hence in the Azure SQL Database configuration, I could not register all the possible IPs.
    So I am looking for a solution to *pull* data more than to *push* it.

  • Have you tried using SSIS?
    SSIS has a lot of Azure components and will do what you are asking quite easily.
    Data Factory will as well, ,not sure about Flow as I have never used it.
    You certainly have a choice


  • LittleKitten - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2:16 AM

    Have you tried using SSIS?
    SSIS has a lot of Azure components and will do what you are asking quite easily.
    Data Factory will as well, ,not sure about Flow as I have never used it.
    You certainly have a choice


    Thank you LittleKitten, SSIS would have been my first choice, but I omitted that I was looking for something that didn't require to open many endpoints on the Azure SQL Database. I'm updating the original post.

  • Have you looked into resolving through DNS rather than IP? Azure DNS?

  • LittleKitten - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 4:54 AM

    Have you looked into resolving through DNS rather than IP? Azure DNS?

    Hallo, these IPs don't have DNS entries and I cannot the customers to register DNS.
    I am investigating into Data Factory

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