AWS RDS Sql Server and In-Memory OLTP

  • Hello All;

    I'm working through evaluating whether In-Memory OLTP can provide benefit on an RDS instance of SQL Server. I'm using the "Quick test..." script here to observe the behavior:

    What I'm seeing:

    - On a local instance (laptop-grade), the script behaves as expected. Approximately the same timings as given in the comments at the bottom of the script - 1 second for the memory-optimized portion, and 5 seconds for the tempdb portion.

    - On an RDS instance, SQL Server Web edition provisioned on a "standard class" EC2 instance (db.m5.xlarge, 4vCPUs, 16 GB RAM), the script performs abysmally - about 4.5 minutes to execute each loop of 5001 iterations, for a total of 9 minutes, with no significant distinction between the two methods being compared.

    - On an RDS instance, SQL Server Web edition provisioned on a "memory-optimized" EC2 instance (db.r4.large, 2vCPUs, 15.25 GB RAM), same behavior - about 4.5 minutes to execute each section of the script (9 minutes total)

    Two questions arising from the above observations:

    1) Is there an obvious setting I'm overlooking when configuring my AWS RDS instances?

    2) Ignoring the memory-optimized results, is there an explanation as to why the "tempdb" version performs so poorly on RDS?

    Thanks for any insight and ideas for further investigation.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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