May 14, 2008 at 2:52 am
Hi All
We have a A1/A2/P cluster setup with INST01 on A1, INST02 & Cluster Group on A2 with P as the failover node.
My issue is that we have enabled AWE memory countless times and the settings have not stuck.
We have edited the boot.ini file to have the /PAE switch
Then ran sp_configure to get the advanced options
Ran sp_configure to update AWE Enabled to 1
Ran sp_configure to update max memory to 4069 to utilise 4GB out of the 6GB we have in the boxes.
We then rebooted the boxes and restarted the server agents and services etc only to find that the settings reverted back.
Has anyone encountered this before and if so how did you get around it, or if you know of a fix could you please let me know.
Many Thanks
May 14, 2008 at 2:55 am
Sorry should of also included that the OS is Win Srv 2003 Ent and SQL is 2005 Ent.
May 14, 2008 at 7:55 am
Just on another note also to do with memory, if we where to throw the full 64GB of memory to the server, would we have to increase to 64 bit SQL and Windows?
I read that it should work on 32 bit but one of my colleagues saying it only works with 64bit, just wanted to clarify this issue.
May 14, 2008 at 8:36 am
I have no experience with active/active cluster but is it possible that one active server causing the other to revert settings back.
as for the 64GB of RAM, Enterprise can support up to 64GB. note: more then 16GB of ram do not use /3gb switch in boot.ini. in 32-bit sql server only the 1st 4gb are used for processing (sorts, join, compilations, etc) anything over that is just used for storing data pages. 64bit sql server uses all the memory for all functions.
May 14, 2008 at 8:43 am
I would of thought that the changes would have to be done to each instance of SQL, with that in mind I would have to change AWE Enabled and Max Server Memrory (MB) in SQL twice, which is the way I have been doing it in the past without it keeping the settings, but then adding /3gb and /pae on all three nodes individual boot.ini files.
Correct me if I am wrong on this.
May 14, 2008 at 9:40 am
as i stated I have no experience with A/A clusters (only A/P) so i don't know if is changing settings on one affect the other or not. In A/P i do believe i have to make the server configuration settings on both active and passive.
a couple of questions.
1) do the boot.ini settings stay after reboot? does the OS recognize all 6GB of RAM?
2) silly question, but are you running reconfigure after changing settings, i assume you are.
3) Is the setting for min server memory set? if not, try setting this to same as Max server memory
May 14, 2008 at 9:46 am
The /PAE and /3GB stay in the boot.ini file yes.
The server still shows 16 in the lowest value for max server memory but the maximum shoots back up to the maximium of 2147483647.
Also yes we are running the reconfigure.
Just on another note I take it that 2147483647 is in bytes which would make 2GB, othewise if it was in MB that would make it 2PB which is not supported?
Just a bit strange as the field says MB and not B.
May 14, 2008 at 10:07 am
May 14, 2008 at 10:11 am
check out this link as well.
May 14, 2008 at 10:37 am (5/14/2008)
The /PAE and /3GB stay in the boot.ini file yes.The server still shows 16 in the lowest value for max server memory but the maximum shoots back up to the maximium of 2147483647.
Also yes we are running the reconfigure.
Just on another note I take it that 2147483647 is in bytes which would make 2GB, othewise if it was in MB that would make it 2PB which is not supported?
Just a bit strange as the field says MB and not B.
2147483647 is a meaningless number, just something arbitrarily large. It just means that your memory is set to the max available to SQL Server, which in the absence of 3-gb switch/AWE is 2 GB in the 32-bit version of SQL Server.
Also, do consider upgrading to 64-bit OS, 64-bit SQL. AWE expands memory space for the data buffer ONLY, and not other memory areas, as a previous posting already pointed out.
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May 14, 2008 at 11:28 am
My issue is that we have enabled AWE memory countless times and the settings have not stuck.
The account running the sql server service (MSSQLSERVER) must the lock pages in memory option enabled in order to use AWE (on all servers running SQL Server). If this is not done, awe will not run. Please see the link below to implement this.">
Also, check to see if awe is actually running. Run sp_configure and look at the run_value for awe enabled.
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