AWE Memory and SQL Server 2000 Enterprise

  • How much RAM can I dedicate to each Instance ?

    (What is the Maximum an Instance Engine will use ?)

  • Check out SQL2K BOL, use the Index tab to search for, Memory. Under Memory, select Architecture.


    Always Learn!

  • I still don't think the instances are great, both from mgmt as well as $$. You still have to license as though you have 4 SQL Servers. If you use 4 different databases, it's one license cost.

    Why is renaming a db a big deal? You only do it once. If you run all code inside the BudgetDB database, you only need to have the user connect to the correct database. Is this more difficult to manage than having them connect to the right instance? I'd argue it's easier. You can quickly check if they are in BudgetDBDev or BudgetDBTest.

    Unless you have some compelling reason, I do recommend against using the instances.

    Steve Jones

  • Steve, you sure about the licensing?


  • clarification:

    How to Buy

    Multiple Instances

    Licensing SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition enables customers to run multiple instances on a single server or processor and only license once. This is not the case for SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition: each instance of SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition on a computer must be licensed separately.


    Steve Jones

  • Even if you are worried about renaming keep in mind you can make a full backup of one database and restore it over another. As long as you did not us fully qualified conventions in you construction (ex. SELECT * FROM DBNAME.dbo.TBLNAME) you will not have to redo anything, plus any extra this like diagrams are restored in as well. I just see too much hassle the other way.

  • There is a "per processor" licensing option for SQL2K that may be more cost effective. Check with the vendor and negotiate the hell out of the price. Just tell them that you're also considering migrating some Oracle DBs and the price will come down.


    Always Learn!

  • How much RAM can I dedicate to each Instance ?

    (What is the Maximum an Instance Engine will use ?)

  • How much RAM can I dedicate to each Instance ?

    (What is the Maximum an Instance Engine will use ?)

  • Each active instance requires a separate license. That's why you can get away with a single SQL Server license for an Active/Passive setup, but you need two licenses for an Active/Active setup when clustering.

    I don't believe there is a limit per instance. But there has to be some care in managing the memory. Here's from BOL:

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • A/S up to 8GB of RAM. You can run one instance (or more, but let's assume only one) of SQL2K on A/S and you can take advantage of most of the RAM. Some of it always remains reserved for non-paged pool. Still, this is a significant amount of RAM for one instance of SQL2K.

    SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition introduces support for the use of Microsoft Windows 2000 Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) to address approximately 8 GB of memory for instances that run on Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

    This link will provide all the specific information you need, or links to the other pertinent KB articles:


    Always Learn!

  • Hey bryan99y I noticed we still never actually answered your question so here it is straight from SQL Books Online.

    awe enabled Option

    In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, you can use the Microsoft Windows® 2000 Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) API to support up to a maximum of 64 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. The specific amount of memory you can use depends on hardware configuration and operating system support.

    Note This feature is available only in the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise and Developer editions.

    Enabling AWE

    To enable AWE, set awe enabled to 1. SQL Server will reserve almost all available memory, leaving 128 megabytes (MB) or less, unless a value has been specified for max server memory.

    If the option has been successfully enabled, the message "Address Windowing Extension enabled" is printed in the SQL Server error log when the instance of SQL Server 2000 is started.

    awe enabled is an advanced option. If you are using the sp_configure system stored procedure to change the setting, you can change awe enabled only when show advanced options is set to 1. You must restart the instance of SQL Server 2000 for changes to take effect.

    Disabling AWE

    To disable AWE, set awe enabled to 0. This setting is the default. The AWE API is not used. SQL Server 2000 operates in a normal dynamic memory allocation mode and is limited to 3 GB of physical memory.

    Usage Considerations

    Before enabling AWE, consider the following:

    When awe enabled is set to 1, instances of SQL Server 2000 do not dynamically manage the size of the address space. SQL Server will reserve and lock almost all available memory (or the value of max server memory if the option has been set) when the server is started. It is strongly recommended that you set a value for the max server memory option each time you enable AWE. Otherwise other applications or instances of SQL Server 2000 will have less than 128 MB of physical memory in which to run.

    If the total available memory is less than 3 GB, the instance of SQL Server 2000 will be started in non-AWE mode even if awe enabled is set to 1. In this situation, you do not need to manage AWE memory because dynamic memory allocation is used automatically.

    You can determine the amount of memory you can safely allocate to instances of SQL Server 2000 by identifying how much memory is available after all other applications to be used on the computer have been started.

    Use the SQL Server Performance Monitor Total Server Memory (KB) counter to determine how much memory is allocated by the instance of SQL Server running in AWE mode. Configure the max server memory option to leave some additional memory free to allow for the varying needs of other applications and Windows 2000. For more information, see Monitoring Memory Usage.

    Important Using the awe enabled option and the max server memory setting can have a performance impact on other applications or on SQL Server running in a multi-instance or cluster environment. For more information about using AWE memory, see Managing AWE Memory.

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