AWE Enable

  • My Server SQL 2005 is 64-bit running on Windows 2003 64 bit with 32 GB of RAM - Do i need to enable AWE here?

    Appreciate if someone please take a moment to answer.

  • No you don't need to enable it. SQL Server 2005 is able to make use of all of the memory.

  • You do not need to enable AWE, however you MUST grant the service account for SQL the ability to Lock Pages in Memory. Trust me, just went through this myself.

    Also recommend NOT allowing SQL to dynamically manage memory; set a min and a max. M$ recommends at least 4GB free for the 64-bit O/S. If this is clustered be sure to set your min memory to a level that would allow an instance to fail over if you may ever have the need to share resources on a node during a failover situation.

    - Tim Ford, SQL Server MVPhttp://www.sqlcruise.com

  • Thanks a ton for the answers. You guys are great.

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