AVG & GROUP BY using 2 tables

  • I'm a student in an online course and advice must cost extra, because I'm not getting it. I'm using SQl Server 2008 Developer.

    I have to pull data from 2 tables and AVG salaries by EEO Classification. (Employee table contains Salary and EEOClasses table contains the ClassTitle) Every example I've found in my textbook and online only uses data from 1 table.

    This is what I get returned:

    [font="Courier New"]


    OfficeClerical 25900.8333

    OfficialsManagers 25900.8333


    SalesWorker 25900.8333

    Technician 25900.8333[/font]

    This is my query, what am I doing wrong?

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT ClassTitle, AVG(Salary)

    FROM EEOClasses, Employee

    GROUP BY ClassTitle[/font]

  • First of all the query you have posted is a cross join which creates a Cartesian product. You need to specify the column(s) you are joining the 2 tables. Here's an example of what I think you want, but without the table definitions I can't get the column names correct:





    EEOClasses AS EC JOIN

    Employee AS E ON

    EC.ClassId = E.ClassId



  • It worked! Thank you so much!!!

    Would the same query structure (JOIN) be used when doing a COUNT on 2 tables?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]"Select the count of employees’ and group them by salary within their job title."[/font]

    Is WITHIN their job title different than grouping them BY their job title? I'm not stupid - really. I'm a Web Graphics major forced to take this class.

  • Yes, whenever you are returning data from more than 1 table you need to JOIN the tables.

  • Thanks for your help.

  • i think in this case the right inner join but if you need the cartasian product of the 2 table you have to use the select from 2 table select statment

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