average number of days

  • select statement for average number days between two dates...

  • DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )

    for days use datepart as dd

    Check out:


    Tanx 😀

  • purushotham.k9 (5/27/2009)

    select statement for average number days between two dates...

    Sorry, but what is your question? Are you asking what the average number of days is between say 1 January 2009 and 31 January 2009? Guess there ain't such a thing. If you meant to ask what's the average number of days between some arbitrary date like 2 June in some year and a date somewhere in the future like 2 June 2309 and calculating the average days per year in between, then that's a different issue, but at least it would have made a question.

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