• I created a report with average on group totals on [Length of Stay] column. In VS, it renders properly.


    =Sum(Max(Fields!LengthOfStay.Value, "PTGroup"))/CountDistinct(Fields!UniqueID.Value)

    When I upload the report on the reporting server, I'm getting this instead:


    And when I export to EXCEL, this is what I get:



    Any ideas why?



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • It looks like you're getting a divide by zero error.  I usually wrap any division formulas in an IIF statement to account for when the denominator is zero.  Perhaps sometimes your UniqueID field can have no values, so the Count = 0.  Additionally, I think CountDistinct ignores NULLs, so if all your values were NULL that could also yield a 0 (I'm not positive about that last point though).

  • I figured it out just now after reading your response.

    I was developing the report on my local machine. I changed the SPROC to include the UniqueID field however, I forgot to update the DEV server SPROC that's why it was getting that divide by zero error since it cannot count a non-existing field.



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