Availability Group Vs Availability Replica

  • Hi All,

    What is the difference between Availability Group and Replica? I understand that availability group is a container for set of databases.

    But, can someone please let me know what availability replica is? I have already read msdn article on alwayson but still confused a bit.


  • An Availability group is a set of databases that is accessed through a specified virtual network name.

    An availability replica is a copy of the databases in an availability group on a particular server.


    SqlAlwaysOnGrp1 is the availability group.

    MyWebAppDB.MyCompany.com is the Availability Group Listener (this is what clients connect to. its DNS record gets updated in case of a failover).

    It could contain 3 availability replics: SqlAtlanta.MyCompany.com, SqlDallas.MyCompany.com and SqlNewYork.MyCompany.com

    SqlAtlanta is the Primary Replica, Dallas and NewYork are Secondary Replicas.

  • karthik.catchme (4/16/2012)

    Hi All,

    What is the difference between Availability Group and Replica? I understand that availability group is a container for set of databases.

    But, can someone please let me know what availability replica is? I have already read msdn article on alwayson but still confused a bit.


    An Availability Replica is an instance of SQL Server 2012 that you want to participate in the Availability Group to receive availability databases.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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