Automating .sql Scripts

  • I am in a bit of a jam. I am using SQL Express 2008 on my PC. I am new to this but I am creating a new database off of several processes within Server 08. I have everything running through Stored Procedures and I created a .sql script that Executes each of the stored procedures in order. I know if I had SSIS I could have the package run overnight, but my company does not support SSIS on SQL Express machines. Is there any other way to have SQL Server automatically execute my .sql file overnight, while I am away and my computer is locked? I am a novice SQL Server user.

  • It semes SQL Express installs a disabled SQL Server Agent, so my initial suggestion of putting your T-SQL script into an agent job T-SQL step won't work (homework assignment: search more exhaustively than I am able to if there is a way to start the Agent for Express edition)

    However, you could write an application as simple as a form with a button, that opens an ODBC connection to your database, and runs your stored procedures.

  • I would use a Windows scheduled task with the related sqlcmd.

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  • i used to do this by creating batch file using sqlcmd and will schedule it in the windows scheduler

  • I will look into this. I think you are on to something. Thanks

  • I looked into the Windows scheduler, all it would so was open the .sql file but it did not actually execute it.

  • Use the Windows Scheduler to execute a SQLCMD command and point the SQLCMD to .sql file. There are other connection details that SQLCMD will require, but this is how I used to do this at a previous place.

  • I will definitely take a look at the sqlcmd today, thank you all so much.

  • Rather simple, but BOL is a good source for examples, syntax, etc. Good luck and let us know how it goes 🙂

  • OK, I was able to schedule a sqlcmd. Got that part figured out. It runs and closes in about 15 seconds. But I did not notice any change in the actual database. I have a field that captures the time when the script is done running. When I execute the script manually it takes about 45 minutes for the process to complete. I did not get any error message from the SQLCMD. Any ideas, what I am doing wrong?

    Here's what my SQL Cmd looks like

    sqlcmd -S .instancename\SQLExpress -i"C:\Documents and Settings\locationexample\ProcessCreateCommercialCatalyst.sql "

  • ok, 2 options:

    run profiler to capture everything thats happening as well as errors


    specify an output file on SQLCMD using the -o flag Oh and the file location for the output file

  • Success! I was able to use the sqlcmd to accomplish my process. Thank you all so much for pointing me in the right direction. I am working through the process as we speak but the sqlcmd utility seems to be working right. Thank you all.

  • clasley 57551 (9/30/2010)

    Here's what my SQL Cmd looks like

    sqlcmd -S .instancename\SQLExpress -i"C:\Documents and Settings\locationexample\ProcessCreateCommercialCatalyst.sql "

    Why is there a full stop (or period, if you're American) at the beginning of the instance name? You would also need to use -E (for a trusted connection) if you're running this as a Windows user with appropriate rights on the database.

    [EDIT] Whoops, sorry, missed the second page and didn't see you'd already solved the issue...ignore me.

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