September 11, 2003 at 6:23 am
Clint Herring's new script for today is great. How can I set this up as a sp and automatically have my output go to a file so that I can automate and run as a job without having to run by hand each time. I want to automate the task of going to the query window and specifying the file path\name for the output and then running the query. Is there a way to automate this naming of the query output as a parameter? In dos we could do a pipe :>(
September 11, 2003 at 8:39 am
Here I put the code into an SP (see below).
Place this command in a sql server agent job step:
osql -E -S<yourserver> -Q"dba.dbo.usp_get_dbinfo" -oc:\\temp\dbinfo.txt
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_get_dbinfo
--Name : dbinfo.sql
--Server : Generic
--Description : Captures general SQL server info.
-- : Works in ISQL/W, ISQL, OSQL & Query Analyzer
--Author : Clint Herring
-- By Greg Larsen on 9/11/2004 to support being a SP and running out of
-- the DBA library
--Use master -- May need to modify calls to use master
Select 'Server: '+ @@Servername
Select substring(@@version,1,27) +
substring(@@version,charindex('corporation',@@version) + 13,18) + ' ' +
'version ' + substring(@@version,charindex('-',@@version) + 2,8) +
substring(@@version,charindex(' on ',@@version),47)
-- Create a temp table to hold an db exclude list
If (Select object_id('tempdb.dbo.#dblist')) > 0
Exec ('Drop table #dblist')
Create table #dblist(dbname sysname null)
Declare @rtn int
-- Exclude list for filename and filegroup info
Insert into #dblist Values('model')
Insert into #dblist Values('Northwind')
Insert into #dblist Values('pubs')
Insert into #dblist Values('tempdb')
Select 'Start time = ', GetDate()
Select 'Running sp_monitor '
Execute ('sp_monitor')
Select 'Running sp_configure '
Execute ('sp_configure')
Select 'Running sp_helpdevice '
Execute ('sp_helpdevice')
Select 'Running sp_helpserver '
Execute ('sp_helpserver')
Select 'Running sp_helpdb '
Execute ('sp_helpdb')
Select 'Running sp_databases '
Execute ('sp_databases')
Select 'Running sp_server_info '
Execute ('sp_server_info')
Select 'Running xp_msver '
Execute ('master.dbo.xp_msver')
Select 'Running xp_loginconfig '
Execute ('master.dbo.xp_loginconfig')
Select 'Running xp_logininfo '
Execute ('master.dbo.xp_logininfo')
Declare @name varchar(30)
select @name = min(name)
from master.dbo.sysdatabases
where name not in (select dbname from #dblist)
while @name is not null
select 'Running sp_helpfilegroup for ' + @name
exec('use ' + @name + ' exec sp_helpfilegroup')
select 'Running sp_helpfile for ' + @name
exec('use ' + @name + ' exec sp_helpfile')
select @name = min(name)
from master.dbo.sysdatabases
where name > @name
and name not in (select dbname from #dblist)
Select 'End time = ', GetDate()
Gregory Larsen, DBA
If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at
Edited by - greg larsen on 09/11/2003 08:39:23 AM
Gregory A. Larsen, MVP
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