Automatically load DTS packages

  • We are in the process of setting up an installation process for a database application created on a development system to be deployed on several remote production systems.  We have all script files to setup the databases, tables, views, stored procedures, etc. and can automate the setup process using isql or osql through a batch file, but we have been unable to find a similar process for loading DTS packages into a remote system.

    Is anyone aware of how we can automate the load process of our DTS packages into a new system?

    We are supplying the solution to a third party who is to manage the systems and perform any subsequent installations necessary.  To require a tech or admin to use Enterprise Manager and manually open each package and save it to the database one by one is unacceptable.  Oh, and we are using VS.NET for the solution, so the VB file that is generated by SQL Server 2k does us no good either.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • The forum post listed below says there is no way to export/import, but we can open the DTS package and SAVE AS to another destination (Server and/or database?).  I'm trying to do the same thing right now.

    I hope this helps.  If you find something better, please let me (all of us) know!


    Norm Johnson

    "Keep smiling ... it gives your face something happy to do
            ... and it makes people wonder what you're up to!"

  • Another option might be to save the packages as VB files (.bas, it's an option in the Save As) and compile them into executables.


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • yes, or compile them as a DLL in VB and use them in .NET once you have given them a RCW - I have written a C# class that will also call DTS packages, I dont have it on me, its on my laptop - if you still need it, shoot me an email back to:

    and, i'll sort you a copy of it out tonight ...

    -- Alex



    The above link is for a DTSBACK2000.  Works great!

  • The DTS packages are also stored in the MSDB database.  So replacing the MSDB database on the Target server, or inserting the records from the sysdts% tables from MSDB on the source to MSDB on the target will also create your DTS Packages on the target.


    Hope this helps

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