Automatic trigger disabling - please help

  • I have a trigger that fires on insert of a new row in our jobseekerservices table.

    Something happened and the trigger was autmatically disabled by SQL server.

    The alter statement is at the end of the trigger.

    I want to know uder what conditions does SQL server disable triggers and how to prevent it?


    CREATE TRIGGER Insert_JobSeekerDevelopmentPlans

    ON JobSeekerServices




     IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Inserted

       WHERE SERVICEUID = '{9CA51258-C892-4C2B-B67C-EB20D6F8C2D2}') = 0   -- WP900





     IF NOT EXISTS (Select * From JobSeekerDevelopmentPlans

      WHERE PlanTypeCD = 'REEMPLOYMENT' and JobSeekerUID = (Select jobseekeruid from inserted))




      INSERT INTO JobSeekerDevelopmentPlans









      CreatedDate )

      SELECT newid(),JobSeekerUID,'ReEmployment (UIP) Plan','REEMPLOYMENT',ActualStartDate,


      from Inserted






    alter table [dbo].[JobSeekerServices] disable trigger [Insert_JobSeekerDevelopmentPlans]

  • You create a trigger and disable it right away .

    Should ,nt it be disabled?

  • The disabling is being done by SQL Server automatically.

    The last bit of code where the trigger is getting disabled is being generated by SQL server automatically.

  • remove the following line from source code and compile the trigger

    alter table [dbo].[JobSeekerServices] disable trigger [Insert_JobSeekerDevelopmentPlans]

  • Removing the following line

    alter table [dbo].[JobSeekerServices] disable trigger [Insert_JobSeekerDevelopmentPlans]

    and recompiling it will work.

    But my question is what causes this and how to prevent it in the future?

  • SQL Server will not alter your source code for you. I suspect a faulty script is to blame. There needs to be a GO between the END and the ALTER TABLE.

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