Automatic Task to rearrange data from one table into another (SQL or VBS?)

  • Hi Guys

    if this topic has already a solution I would be glad if you could point me to a solution (didn't know what to search for and the script-collection is rather huge...)

    ok to my problem: I'm importing data from a .txt file provided by another programm which shows me de vacation days of employees, but rather then giving me every single vacation day it givs me only start and end date.

    (If the vacation is only one day theres no end date provided) -> IsNull Test in script

    What I need now is a table that gives me for every employee the dates where he's on vacation.

    let me show you the table structure:

    Source table: (columns seperated by ";"



    1;Employee A;02.01.2012;;1,00;Vacation.

    1;Employee A;18.06.2012;21.06.2012;4,00;Vacation.

    1;Employee A;01.01.2012;;1,00;Holiday.

    2;Employee B;03.10.2012;;1,00;Holiday.

    2;Employee B;13.12.2012;14.12.2012;2,00;Vacation.

    2;Employee B;31.12.2012;01.01.2013;2,00;Holiday.

    What I need as Target is:



    1;Employee A;02.01.2012

    1;Employee A;18.06.2012

    1;Employee A;19.06.2012

    1;Employee A;20.06.2012

    1;Employee A;21.06.2012

    1;Employee A;01.01.2012

    2;Employee B;03.10.2012

    2;Employee B;13.12.2012

    2;Employee B;14.12.2012

    2;Employee B;31.12.2012

    2;Employee B;01.01.2013

    Is this possible with SQL (if yes then my working knowledge of SQL is to limited) or (what I think) does it need a vbs script to add the lines

    It would propably look something like: (just conceptional because I only programm in vba)

    Declare and Set tblSource

    Declare and Set tblTaget

    Dim StartDate as Date

    Dim EndDate as Date


    for each line in tblSource do:

    If IsNull(tblSource.EndDate) then

    add row to tblTarget 'only one vacation day which is added to tblTarget


    StartDate = tblSource.StartDate

    While StartDate <= EndDate Do

    Add Row to tblTarget Set ID = tblSource.ID, Name = tblSource.Name, absenceDate = Startdate

    StartDate = StartDate + 1




    I mostly program in VBA (Access), so if somebody could translate this routine in a VBS or SQL script, I would be very very happy!!!

    Thanks in advanced for reading!



  • Use the import wizard to build an SSIS package. Only map the columns you need to the target.

  • I'll give it a try and will report back... haven't tested the wizard so far


  • Ok Importing is no Problem

    but I need to do the calculations as specified at the top

    the import gives me only the start and end date of vacations, but I also need the days inbetween

    and as far that I see the Wizard doesn't give me any options... I want to perform an automatic task on the table that runs every hour with an SQL or VBS script


  • OK let's close this one here... just figured it's the Server 2008 section... running 2005 at the moment ^^

    well if some VB-Enthusiast is klicking by I'd be grateful for help 🙂


  • Wondering if you have considered writing a query that will put the data in the format that you are looking for?..? That will allow you to load the data as you get it in the text file and have a query that will pull it in the format you desire. Is that what you are looking for long term?



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • well the SourceTXT is coming as an export from an propritary programm so I can't change anything there.

    The way I thought it would work:

    1. Import the txt File into a tbl in my Database (got that)

    2. Run a script that fills and adds the inbetween Dates into another table on my Database (e.g. tblTarget)

    Point 2 is where I'm stuck

    Does that answer your question?

  • Yes. I'm thinking that you don't need the second table but could rather just do that with a query and be able to get the data in the format you want anytime you run the query. If you send some create table scripts for the base table that you are loading the data into and some sample inserts to get a test set of data there I can try to work on something later this afternoon - or someone else can probably get you some suggestions sooner.

    Check out this article [/url]on how to post scripts / data in a way that will make it easy for people to help you out. It really goes a long way. 🙂




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I'll put a CREATE skript together 😉

    Well yes...reading Forum etiquette first would help *darn 😉

    I'll be back in a bit

  • SteffenW (2/17/2012)

    I'll put a CREATE skript together 😉

    Well yes...reading Forum etiquette first would help *darn 😉

    I'll be back in a bit

    Sounds great. Thanks for checking out the article as well. It really does help and you will get a bunch of responses that way.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • stupid... was confused because we're already on page 2

  • Ok as David suggested I've put together a create skript to give you the sample Data

    This is a Table with employee vacation Dates where the start and End-Date are specified

    (EndDate = Null when its only one day vacation)

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('PRODA..tblAbsence','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE tblAbsence

    --===== Create table Absence

    CREATE TABLE tblAbsence



    Name varchar(40),

    Type nchar(10),

    StartDate DATETIME,

    EndDate DATETIME,

    Length SMALLMONEY,

    Comment nchar(20)


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO tblAbsence

    (ID, Name, Type, StartDate, EndDate, Length, Comment)

    SELECT '1','EmpA','F','04.06.2012 00:00:00','06.06.2012 00:00:00',3.00,'Vacation' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1','EmpA','F','20.07.2012 00:00:00',NULL,1.00,'Vacation' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1','EmpA','U','23.10.2012 00:00:00','24.10.2012 00:00:00',2.00,'Holiday' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2','EmpB','F','03.02.2012 00:00:00','04.02.2012 00:00:00',2.00,'Vacation' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2','EmpB','U','10.04.2012 00:00:00','20.04.2012 00:00:00',11.00,'Holiday' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2','EmpB','F','02.04.2012 00:00:00','05.04.2012 00:00:00',4.00,'Vacation' UNION ALL

    SELECT '3','EmpC','F','01.05.2012 00:00:00',NULL,1.00,'Vacation' UNION ALL

    SELECT '3','EmpC','F','06.10.2012 00:00:00','12.10.2012 00:00:00',7.00,'Vacation'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    as written above I somehow need an automated process that calculates me the days of absence into either a new table or inserts the rows in the one above.

    What I need is a table that gives me the Employees ID and the Date he is absence (one row for every Day he's not at work)

    so the table above would give out a total of 29 rows

    I thought of an VB-Script run as a Job something like this (I've no Idear of VBS, I only programm with VBA (Access))

    something like this:

    Declare and Set tblSource

    Declare and Set tblTaget

    Dim StartDate as Date

    Dim EndDate as Date


    for each line in tblSource do:

    If IsNull(tblSource.EndDate) then

    add row to tblTarget 'only one vacation day with is added to tblTarget


    StartDate = tblSource.StartDate

    While StartDate <= EndDate Do

    Add Row to tblTarget Set ID = tblSource.ID, Name = tblSource.Name, absenceDate = Startdate

    StartDate = StartDate + 1




    Thanks for your help!


  • I appreciate that you're new to SQL Server and please don't take what I have to say as anything other than me trying to help you learn some things. There are a couple of problems with your approach.

    #1) You have to understand the difference between procedural logic and set based logic. Any form of VB is by nature procedural wheras the strenght of SQL is set based manipulation. Some tasks cannot be done well through t-sql (such as string parsing) but other things can be done much better than through a procedural process. If I understand your goal here, you should be asking how to accomplish what you want to do through a set based solution, not through procedural step-by-step code.

    #2) I'm guessing that you're storing all this data you're getting from your flat file, but I would suggest limiting your import and cleaning up your data during the import process. You have both a code for the time off type and the description, which is redundant. You also have the number of days and the end date, which can be calculated from the number of days, so this is also redundant. Lastly, you need to be very careful with date data types. Be aware that what you're using is a non-standard localized format that can potentially be misinterpreted. DD.MM.YYYY can be understood to be MM.DD.YYYY based on the localization settings of the current user. Lastly, I'm not sure why you used a currency data type for the length of time off. My 'solution' just uses an int and thus doesn't allow partial days (which seems consistent with what you're requesting) so your actual needs may require a tweak.

    Here is the sort of approach I would point you towards ...

    create table dbo.TimeOff

    ( TimeOffID int identity(1,1) primary key clustered

    , EmpName varchar(40) not null

    , TimeOffType char(1) not null

    , TimeOffStartDate smalldatetime not null

    , TimeOffLength int not null );

    create table dbo.TimeOffType

    ( TimeOffType char(1) primary key clustered

    , TimeOffTypeDescription varchar(50) not null )

    insert into dbo.TimeOffType (TimeOffType, TimeOffTypeDescription)


    ('F', 'Vacation'),

    ('U', 'Holiday');

    --data taken from your script but limited and cleaned ... this would be the staging data

    insert into dbo.TimeOff (EmpName, TimeOffType, TimeOffStartDate, TimeOffLength)


    ('EmpA','F','20120604', 3),

    ('EmpA','F','20120720', 1),

    ('EmpA','U','20121023', 2),

    ('EmpB','F','20120203', 2),

    ('EmpB','U','20120410', 11),

    ('EmpB','F','20120402', 4),

    ('EmpC','F','20120501', 1),

    ('EmpC','F','20121006', 7);

    My query below depends on a 'numbers' or 'tally' table. It's just a simple table in the master db that has a single int column N with numbers from 0 to a million and it has a lot of uses such as this. For this, we'll only use a small portion of those so a smaller numbers table would work fine.

    select t.EmpName,

    DayOff = dateadd(dd, n.N, t.TimeOffStartDate),


    from dbo.TimeOff as t

    join master.dbo.Nums as n

    on n.N < t.TimeOffLength

    order by t.EmpName, t.TimeOffStartDate, n.N;

    This simple query will give you an individual record for each day that anyone is off. I am not accounting for weekend days and I don't know what your business rules are for that and I don't want to try to guess. This is meant to get you going in the right direction and certainly should not be take as a final solution.

    Good luck.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • ok I haven't checked your complete code yet, especially the point with the extra table in the db-master...

    I know of the reluctant data but well the output gives me no less and yes I would definitly clean this up

    the start/end date and length are not completly reluctant because there might be weekends inbetween that are not included in the length sry haven't check on that on the input -.-

    so I specifily need a calculation out of start and end-date

    an well I only need [ID, StartDate, EndDate] as input no more

    I haven't bothered yet with cleaning reluctant data because the table will never exceed 20000 records (I was to lazy just yed 🙂 )

    Thanks alot bteraberry!! but I think I need calculations from start to end

  • I'll add a small change to the version the previous poster put up using a CTE numbers table. This result will get all the days and I have spot checked that. The CTE is assuming a max number of days off being 30 as I would be surprised if a company would let someone take more than that off... I would however, recommend the physical tally table if you are allowed to create it as there are many other uses. You should check out THIS ARTICLE[/url].

    Solution that works with your present table.

    ;WITHNumbers(Number) AS (

    SELECT 0 AS Number


    SELECTNumber + 1


    WHERENumber < 30





    WHEN n.Number = 0 THEN StartDate

    ELSE DATEADD(DD, n.Number, StartDate)

    END AS DayOffDate

    FROMtblAbsence t INNER JOIN Numbers n

    ON n.Number < t.Length

    ORDER BY t.Name, t.StartDate, n.Number



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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