Automatic Backup Script

  • I posted this question in the 'BACKUP' section then i reliazed that T-SQL is the better place to post my question. Apologize for any inconvenience.

    I am new to SQL vServer, trying to do somebody else's  job. My requirement is an automatic daily backup, kepp a copy of backup for last 7 days. I found the following script on, but there was a lot debate about this script. I am not sure if it is safe to use. I am sure lots of SQL experts are browsing through site and let us see if anyone have any suggestions:

    Your suggestions may be useful to many others. Thanks in advance.

    here is the script:


    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[spBackupAllDatabases]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[spBackupAllDatabases]


    Create Procedure spBackupAllDatabases

    @Path varchar(128) ,

    @Type varchar(4) -- Full / Log



    Backup file format



    exec spBackupAllDatabases 'c:\SQLBackups\', 'Full'



    drop table DatabaseBackup

    Create table DatabaseBackup


     Name   varchar(128) primary key nonclustered ,

     BackupFlagFull  varchar(1) not null check (BackupFlagFull in ('Y','N')) ,

     BackupFlagLog  varchar(1) not null check (BackupFlagLog in ('Y','N')) ,

     RetentionPeriodFull datetime not null ,

     RetentionPeriodLog datetime not null



    set nocount on

    declare @sql varchar(1000)


     -- Get all database names

     create table #DBName


      ID  int identity (1,1) ,

      Name  varchar(128) not null ,

      RetentionPeriod datetime null



     insert #DBName


     select name

     from master..sysdatabases


     -- Include any new databases in the backup

     insert DatabaseBackup


      Name ,

      BackupFlagFull ,

      BackupFlagLog ,

      RetentionPeriodFull ,



     select #DBName.Name ,

      'Y' ,

      'N' ,

      '7 jan 1900' ,  -- default one week

      '1 jan 1900'

     from #DBName

      left outer join DatabaseBackup

       on DatabaseBackup.Name = #DBName.Name

     where DatabaseBackup.Name is null

     and lower(#DBName.Name) <> 'tempdb'


     -- Remove any non-existant databases

     delete DatabaseBackup

     where not exists


      select *

      from #DBName

      where #DBName.Name = DatabaseBackup.Name



     delete #DBName


     create table #ExistingBackups


      Name varchar(128) ,

      ID int identity (1,1)



     -- loop through databases

    declare @Name    varchar(128) ,

     @RetentionPeriod datetime ,

     @LastBackupToKeep varchar(8) ,

     @ID   int ,

     @MaxID   int 


     insert #DBName

      (Name, RetentionPeriod)

     select Name, case when @Type = 'Full' then RetentionPeriodFull else RetentionPeriodLog end

     from DatabaseBackup

     where (@Type = 'Full' and BackupFlagFull = 'Y')

     or (@Type = 'Log' and BackupFlagLog = 'Y')


     select @MaxID  = max(ID) ,

      @ID = 0

     from #DBName


     while @ID < @MaxID


      -- get next database to backup

      select @ID = min(ID) from #DBName where ID > @ID


      select  @Name = Name ,

       @RetentionPeriod = RetentionPeriod

      from  #DBName

      where ID = @ID


      -- Delete old backups

      delete #ExistingBackups

      select  @sql = 'dir /B ' + @Path

      select @sql = @sql + @Name + '_' + @Type + '*.*'


      insert #ExistingBackups exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql


      if exists (select * from #ExistingBackups where Name like '%File Not Found%')

       delete #ExistingBackups


      select  @LastBackupToKeep = convert(varchar(8),getdate() - @RetentionPeriod,112)

      delete #ExistingBackups where Name > @Name + '_' + @Type + '_' + @LastBackupToKeep

    declare @eID int ,

     @eMaxID int ,

     @eName varchar(128)


      -- loop round all the out of date backups

      select @eID = 0 ,

       @eMaxID = coalesce(max(ID), 0)

      from #ExistingBackups


      while @eID < @eMaxID


       select  @eID = min(ID) from #ExistingBackups where ID > @eID

       select @eName = Name from #ExistingBackups where ID = @eID


       select @sql = 'del ' + @Path + @eName

       exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql


      delete #ExistingBackups


      -- now do the backup

      select @sql = @Path + @Name + '_' + @Type + '_'

         + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) + '_'

         + replace(convert(varchar(8),getdate(),108),':','') + '.bak'

      if @Type = 'Full'

       backup database @Name

       to disk = @sql


       backup log @Name

       to disk = @sql





  • I've done something very similar; the difference in mine is that it assumes  specific paths, which you would have to change or paramiterize (sp?);

    it is adapted from a backup script found right here on

    my example below backs up the file, zips it, and copies it to a network location.

    As for the ZIP functionality, it depends on pkzip25.exe  being in the PATH or in the mssql bin folder, either way.

    pkzip25 was the last FREE command line utility i could find, and it does a fine job. If you can't find it on the web, let me know and I'll throw a copy on a site somewhere.


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Proc_BackUpEverything]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[Proc_BackUpEverything]







    Purpose: Backup Everything, and then copy it to a network location for redundancy.

    Backup-->Zip-->Save To Remote Location

    This Script should be scheduled as a daily job in SQLAgent.

    This script makes a FULL Backup of EVERY database, including master,msdb, etc

    except of course tempdb, because backup and restore is not permitted on that database.

    Further names it with names like:


















    The result is you have a FULL Backup every day For 7 Days

    Future Version my include an incremental backup to be run on half hour intervals for

    extra coverage.


    CREATE Procedure Proc_BackUpEverything




     declare @dbname as varchar(40),

       @msgdb as varchar(255),

       @dbbkpname as varchar(40),

       @DY  varchar(15),

       @Pdy varchar(150),

       @result int

     declare rs_cursor CURSOR for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name <> 'tempdb'

     set @DY = (select datename(dw, getdate()) )

     open rs_cursor

     Fetch next from rs_cursor into @dbname

     IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0

     Print ' Beginning Full Backup Job'



       select @msgdb= 'database backup in progress: ' + @dbname + @DY

       PRINT @msgdb

       select @dbbkpname='D:\MSSQL7\BACKUP\' + @dbname +'-' + @DY + '.bak'

       backup database @dbname to disk=@dbbkpname

       --Create Zip File of the Backup

       --pkzip -a "C:\MSSQL7\BACKUP\" "C:\MSSQL7\BACKUP\GMVB-Monday.bak"

       SET @Pdy=(select  'pkzip -a "'+ @dbname +'-' + @DY + '.zip"' +' "' +@dbname +'-' + @DY + '.bak"'

       exec @result =xp_cmdshell @Pdy

       IF (@result = 0)

        PRINT 'Successfully Created Zip File'


        PRINT 'Failed to Create Zip File. Check Drive mappings and available harddrive space for both the Server and The remote location.'

       --Copy the File to Remote Location

       SET @Pdy = (select  'COPY "' + @dbbkpname + '" "Y:\' + @dbname +'-' + @DY + '.zip' + '"')

       exec @result = XP_CMDSHELL @Pdy

       IF (@result = 0)

        PRINT 'Successfully Copied Files to Network'


        PRINT 'Failed to Copy to the network location. Check Drive mappings and available harddrive space for both the Server and The remote location.'

      FETCH NEXT FROM rs_cursor INTO @dbname


     CLOSE rs_cursor

     deallocate rs_cursor

    Print 'All Backup Jobs Completed'




    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Why not use Enterprise Manager and just create a maintenance plan for each database?  That way you can schedule them when you want, specify the backup location and job options and specify a number of days to keep.

    There's some things don't schedule transaction log dumps for DB's in simple recovery mode or having it run the integrity checks with the 'Attempt to repair any minor problems' option on if the db can't be placed in single user mode.

    I know some will counter not to trust Enterprise Manager to do this, but my experience has been that (at least since 7.0) that it's pretty stable and reliable.  If you're new to SQL Server as you say, IMHO you'll be up and running a lot quicker using EM. 

    Hope this helps

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Hey, thanks to both of you. Both the otions looks very good to me. The advantage of the first one is that you just have to schedule the script, no need to worry about scheduleing different databases. It also zips the DB and copies to the another location, in case there is space probelm on the server machine.

    The second one is easy to use, specially for beginners. Maintenance plan also help to check the integrity of the backup and repair the minor problems. 

    Again, I appreciate your time and thoughts.

  • Problem...!!!


    the above script is throwing an error  at line " exec @result =xp_cmdshell @Pdy"

    The error : "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'."


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • the above script is throwing an error  at line " exec @result =xp_cmdshell @Pdy"

    The error : "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'."


    Any solution would be really appreciated

  • oops;

    missing a closing parenthesis on the line above the error line:

       SET @Pdy=(select  'pkzip -a "'+ @dbname +'-' + @DY + '.zip"' +' "' +@dbname +'-' + @DY + '.bak"')


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I take a different approach to automating maintenance plans.  I create several maintenance plans that do only one thing (Full Backup, Log Backup, and ReIndex).  I then schedule a job to run a procedure that makes sure each database is in the appropriate plan(s) every evening before the backup plans run.  The procedure checks recovery mode and status to determine what should be done, you don't have to update the maintenance plans when a database is created or modified.  Normal changes to the plans like schedule changes, backup location, retention period, etc. can be done through the EM wizard instead of having to rewrite the spBackupAllDatabases proc.

    If you have customized the maintenance jobs (for example added a zip step to the Full Backup job), the databases will automatically be moved in and out of the correct plans without you having to open them in EM and losing your modifications.

    If you have need for addition plans, say a Weekly Full Backup+Daily Differential for larger databases, the procedure below could be extended.  You could use database size or other factors to pick a plan, or an external table like my ReindexMaintExclusions that is used to keep very large databases out of the reindex optimization (a separate job checks for individual tables that are fragmented).


    /* Ensure all Online, Writable, Full or Bulk-logged recovery DBs are in the "Trans Log Backup" plan

      Remove all Offline, ReadOnly, or Simple recovery DBs

     Ensure all Online, Writeable DBs are in the "Daily Full Backup" plan

      Remove all Offline or ReadOnly DBs

     Ensure all Online, Writeable DBs are in the "Weekly Reindex" plan unless excluded

      Remove all Offline or ReadOnly or excluded DBs

     Suppress "Recent Backup" alarms in Spotlight for Offline or ReadOnly DBs

     Standby DBs (log-shipped) are treated as offline


    -- Find the plan ids for major maint plans

    declare @FullBackup uniqueidentifier

    declare @LogBackup uniqueidentifier

    declare @Optimization uniqueidentifier

    select @FullBackup = plan_id from msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplans where plan_name = 'Daily Full Backup'

    select @LogBackup = plan_id from msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplans where plan_name = 'Trans Log Backup'

    select @Optimization = plan_id from msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplans where plan_name = 'Weekly Reindex'

    declare @dbmaint table (

     [id] int identity not null primary key clustered,

     dbname sysname not null,

     IsOnline bit not null default(0),

     IsReadOnly bit not null default(0),

     IsLogged bit not null default(0),

     InFullPlan bit not null default(0),

     InLogPlan bit not null default(0),

     InOptPlan bit not null default(0))

    declare @i smallint, @dbname sysname

    declare @IsOnline bit, @IsReadOnly bit, @IsLogged bit, @InFullPlan bit, @InLogPlan bit, @InOptPlan bit

    if @FullBackup is null

     raiserror ('Maintenance plan "Daily Full Backup" not found"',16,1) WITH LOG

    if @LogBackup is null

     raiserror ('Maintenance plan "Trans Log Backup" not found"',16,1) WITH LOG

    if @Optimization is null

     raiserror ('Maintenance plan "Weekly Reindex" not found"',16,1) WITH LOG

    -- List all databases (except tempdb), their Simple recovery, offline, or read-only status

    --  and their current maint plan membership

    insert into @dbmaint (dbname, IsOnline, IsReadOnly, IsLogged, InFullPlan, InLogPlan, InOptPlan)

    select rtrim( as dbname,

     case when databasepropertyex(, 'IsInStandby') = 0

      and databasepropertyex(, 'Status') = 'ONLINE'

      then 1 else 0 end as IsOnline,

     case when databasepropertyex(, 'Updateability') = 'READ_ONLY'

      then 1 else 0 end as IsReadOnly,

     case when databasepropertyex(, 'Recovery') <> 'SIMPLE'

      then 1 else 0 end as IsLogged,

     ISNULL(InFullPlan,0), ISNULL(InLogPlan,0), ISNULL(InOptPlan,0)

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases sdb

    left join (

     select database_name,

      max(case when plan_id = @FullBackup then 1 else 0 end) as InFullPlan,

      max(case when plan_id = @LogBackup then 1 else 0 end) as InLogPlan,

      max(case when plan_id = @Optimization then 1 else 0 end) as InOptPlan

     from msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplan_databases

     group by database_name

    ) maint on = maint.database_name

    where <> 'tempdb'

    set @i = @@ROWCOUNT

    -- For each database found...

    while @i > 0 begin

     select @dbname = dbname, @IsOnline = IsOnline, @IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly, @IsLogged = IsLogged,

      @InFullPlan = InFullPlan, @InLogPlan = InLogPlan, @InOptPlan = InOptPlan, @i = @i - 1

     from @dbmaint where [id] = @i


     -- Check "Trans Log Backup" - Must be Online, Read-Write, and Full or Bulk-logged recovery

     if @LogBackup IS NOT NULL begin

      if @IsOnline = 1 and @IsReadOnly = 0 and @IsLogged = 1 begin

       -- Add to Trans Log Backup if it's not already a member

       if @InLogPlan = 0

        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_add_maintenance_plan_db @plan, @db',

         N'@plan uniqueidentifier, @db sysname',

         @LogBackup, @dbname

      end else begin

       -- Remove from Trans Log Backup if it is a member

       if @InLogPlan = 1

        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_maintenance_plan_db @plan, @db',

         N'@plan uniqueidentifier, @db sysname',

         @LogBackup, @dbname




     -- Check "Daily Full Backup" - Must be Online and Read-Write

     if @FullBackup IS NOT NULL begin

      if @IsOnline = 1 and @IsReadOnly = 0 begin

       -- Add to Daily Full Backup if it's not already a member

       if @InFullPlan = 0

        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_add_maintenance_plan_db @plan, @db',

         N'@plan uniqueidentifier, @db sysname',

         @FullBackup, @dbname

      end else begin

       -- Remove from Daily Full Backup if it is a member

       if @InFullPlan = 1

        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_maintenance_plan_db @plan, @db',

         N'@plan uniqueidentifier, @db sysname',

         @FullBackup, @dbname




     -- Check "Weekly Reindex" - Must be Online and Read-Write, and not in ReindexMaintExclusions

     if @Optimization IS NOT NULL begin

      if @IsOnline = 1 and @IsReadOnly = 0

         AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM DBA.dbo.ReindexMaintExclusions WHERE dbname = @dbname) begin

       -- Add to Weekly Reindex if it's not already a member

       if @InOptPlan = 0

        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_add_maintenance_plan_db @plan, @db',

         N'@plan uniqueidentifier, @db sysname',

         @Optimization, @dbname

      end else begin

       -- Remove from Weekly Reindex if it is a member

       if @InOptPlan = 1

        EXECUTE sp_executesql N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_maintenance_plan_db @plan, @db',

         N'@plan uniqueidentifier, @db sysname',

         @Optimization, @dbname




    /* The following section only applies to sites using Spotlight on SQL Server,

          a monitoring tool from Quest Software.   */

     -- Check for Offline or Read-Only DBs

     if @IsOnline = 0 or @IsReadOnly = 1 begin

      -- Suppress "Recent Backup" alarms in Spotlight

      if object_id('dba.dbo.Spot_Constants') is not null

       if not exists(select null from dba.dbo.Spot_Constants where ConstantValue = @dbname)

        insert into dba.dbo.Spot_Constants (ConstantName, ConstantValue)

        values ('SuppressBackupAlarm' + cast(DB_ID(@dbname) as varchar), @dbname)

     end else begin

      -- Un-Suppress "Recent Backup" alarms in Spotlight

      if object_id('dba.dbo.Spot_Constants') is not null

       delete from dba.dbo.Spot_Constants where ConstantValue = @dbname



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