Automated script run on Availability Group failover?

  • Let's say I have a two node AG, Server A and Server B. Server A is normally the primary and Server B is the replica. Whenever the primary fails over from A to B or from B to A, I'd like to automatically run a script that will restart the SQL Agent service on the new replica. Any ideas on how to do this?

  • you can use:

    exec xp_servicecontrol 'stop','SQLServerAgent'


    exec xp_servicecontrol 'start','SQLServerAgent'


    Alex S
  • Yes, that will take care of the service, but how do I run that automatically on failover?

  • There are other ways like Powershell or SQLCMD to accomplish this but this is the linked server way.

    You have to create Linked Servers and add both servers participating in AO AG with RPC and RPC out.

    Make sure user has rights to restart SQL Agent.

    Create a Job 'Restart SQL Agent' and paste this code

    exec RemoteServer.master..xp_servicecontrol 'stop','SQLServerAgent'


    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05' --Pause between commands.

    exec RemoteServer.master..xp_servicecontrol 'start','SQLServerAgent'


    Create below Alert

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert

    @name = N'AlwaysOn AG Role Change',

    @message_id = 1480,

    @severity = 0,

    @enabled = 1,

    @delay_between_responses = 0,

    @include_event_description_in = 1;


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_notification

    @alert_name = N'AlwaysOn AG Role Change',

    @operator_name = N'SQLDBA',

    @notification_method = 1;


    Add the job 'Restart SQL Agent' in Response section.

    Don't forget to setup Database Mail and operator in order to get emails during failover.

    Alex S
  • I know this is an old thread but as AG's aren't going away and this method was not suggested:

    I'm making the assumption that you only want jobs to run on the primary.

    Don't disable the Agent, just put a first step in your jobs that checks if the sever is the Primary node.

    If it's not primary you can either raise and error or run "Select 1/0" to force an error.

    You can either just let the job fail or on failure quit the job successfully.

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