March 13, 2007 at 11:27 am
I am trying to insert a set of date variables to use in a stored proc that will automatically select the last 12 running months worth of data grouped monthly. This code stops at the end of the prior year. and grabs data in the current month of the current year.
If I use the @endDate variable, it fails as the enddate < begdate
If I do not use the @begdate, I get Jan of the @begyr - getdate()
The subqueries in all the @'s return the desired data.
How do I adapt this code to produce the running prior 12 months ending at the end of the prior month?
Declare @begdate smalldatetime
Declare @enddate Smalldatetime
Declare @begYr SmallDatetime
Declare @endyr SmallDatetime
Set @begdate = (select case
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = 0 Then 12
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -1 Then 11
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -2 Then 10
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -3 Then 9
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -4 Then 8
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -5 Then 7
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -6 Then 6
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -7 Then 5
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -8 Then 4
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -9 Then 3
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -10 Then 2
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-12 = -11 Then 1
Set @begYr = (Select case
when @Begdate >= datepart(mm,Getdate()) then datepart(yyyy,Getdate())-1
Else datepart(yyyy,Getdate())
Set @enddate = (select case
When datepart(mm,Getdate())-1 = 0 Then 12
Else Datepart(mm,Getdate())-1
Set @endYr = (Select case
when @enddate >= datepart(mm,Getdate()) then datepart(yyyy,Getdate())-1
Else datepart(yyyy,Getdate())
Select Count(id)ID
,Convert(Varchar (12),Date, 107) date
From Inv (nolock)
Where Datepart(yyyy, Paiddate) between @begyr and @endyr
and status = 'Paid'
and MOnth(PaidDate) > @begdate - 1
March 13, 2007 at 12:14 pm
Check this out and see if it gives you what you are looking for:
declare @begindate datetime,
@enddate datetime
set @enddate = dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, dateadd(dd, -1 * DAY(getdate()), getdate())), 0)
set @begindate = dateadd(yyyy, -1, dateadd(dd, 1, @enddate))
select @begindate. @enddate
March 13, 2007 at 12:15 pm
I find your question confusing.
You are more likely to get appropriate help if sample data and expected results are provided.
Maybe you want something like:
DECLARE @EndDate smalldatetime
,@StartDate smalldatetime
SET @EndDate = CAST(CONVERT(varchar(6), GETDATE(), 112) + '01' AS smalldatetime)
SET @StartDate = DATEADD(m, -13, @EndDate)
SELECT YEAR(Paiddate) AS PaidYear
,MONTH(Paiddate) AS PaidMonth
,COUNT([id]) AS IDCount
,SUM(TotalAmt) AS Billed
WHERE status = 'Paid'
AND Paiddate >= @StartDate
AND Paiddate < @EndDate
March 13, 2007 at 1:04 pm
It looks like youare comparing date parts to actual date fields. When I ran your statement and printed your variables I got
begdate = Jan 4 1900 12:00AM
enddate = Jan 3 1900 12:00AM
begyr = Jun 30 1905 12:00AM
endyr = Jul 1 1905 12:00AM
This may do what you need to compare the actual dates instead of the parts
Declare @begdate smalldatetime
Declare @enddate Smalldatetime
Declare @begYr SmallDatetime
Declare @endyr SmallDatetime
select @begdate = dateadd(mm,-13,getdate())
select @enddate = dateadd(mm,-1,getdate())
select @begyr = convert(varchar,datepart(mm,@begdate)) + '/1/' + convert(varchar,datepart(yyyy,@begdate))
select @endyr = convert(varchar,datepart(mm,@enddate)) + '/1/' + convert(varchar,datepart(yyyy,@enddate))
print @begdate
print @enddate
print @begyr
print @endyr
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