Automate Log Full Issue

  • Hello Everyone,

    I am new to develop queries and planning to automate Log Full issues fix using stored procedure and trying to develop the SP. Could you please help me to complete it. Below query is not working if log_reuse_wait_desc is due to LOG_BACKUP and getting the error : Error converting data type nvarchar to nvarchar.

    DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max)  
    DECLARE @emailReportFlag1 nvarchar(Max)
    DECLARE @emailReportFlag2 nvarchar(Max)
    SET @emailReportFlag1 =0
    SET @emailReportFlag2 =0

    SET @subject = 'Log File Status ' + ' on ' + CONVERT(varchar(35), getdate(), 113)
    Print @subject

    SET @emailReportFlag1 =( select top 1 (name) from sys.databases where log_reuse_wait_desc = 'NOTHING' )
    SET @emailReportFlag2 =( select top 1 (name) from sys.databases where log_reuse_wait_desc = 'LOG_BACKUP' )
    print @emailReportFlag1
    print @emailReportFlag2

    IF (@emailReportFlag1 = 'master')
    select name, log_reuse_wait_desc from sys.databases

    IF (@emailReportFlag2 is not null)

    BACKUP LOG @emailReportFlag2 TO DISK = 'C:\dbname.trn'


    Thanks in Advance

  • I'm not sure where you script is creating the error. You should have a line number that helps you determine this.

    The backup log command should work find with nvarchar(max). It has for me.

  • given that all you are storing in the @emailReportFlag variables is just the name of a database, those could just be defined as type SYSNAME or NVARCHAR(256).  I believe that will work better as a parameter to the BACKUP LOG command.

    You may want to come up with a better nomenclature for the log backup file though so you don't overwrite it constantly.

    One other thing to consider, when checking for 'LOG_BACKUP' log reuse wait desc, you may want to not include the MODEL database.  There shouldn't be any reason to try to backup its transaction log since it won't have any user tables in it.


  • chris is correct - if you keep over writing the last t-log backup then you don't have an effective DR plan

    if the issue is that your t-logs are getting big and you are just backing them up to allow them to shrink …. then you need to set the database to simple mode

    if you require Point in time restores then you have lots of options.. but are you trying to fix a checkpoint/VLF issue

    there is a really good article here




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