Automate email send

  • First of all, I am extreemly new at SQL. I have a small file that I manually send to a company on a daily basis. I would love it if sql could open up our mapi compliant Groupwise e-mail, attach the file and send it automatically to the company. Is this possible?

  • I use xp_sendmail all the time to send emails and results. I've never attached a file other than a result set, but looking in BOL, it appears that you can.

    xp_sendmail {[@recipients =] 'recipients [;...n]'}

        [,[@message =] 'message']

        [,[@query =] 'query']

        [,[@attachments =] 'attachments [;...n]']

        [,[@copy_recipients =] 'copy_recipients [;...n]'

        [,[@blind_copy_recipients =] 'blind_copy_recipients [;...n]'

        [,[@subject =] 'subject']

        [,[@type =] 'type']

        [,[@attach_results =] 'attach_value']

        [,[@no_output =] 'output_value']

        [,[@no_header =] 'header_value']

        [,[@width =] width]

        [,[@separator =] 'separator']

        [,[@echo_error =] 'echo_value']

        [,[@set_user =] 'user']

        [,[@dbuse =] 'database']

  • The file is the result of a simple query that needs to be e-mailed.

  • Try this. You'll obviously have to change the values.

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail


      @subject='Here are my results',

      @attachments = 'Filename.txt',

      @query='Select * from table where blahblahblah',

      @attach_results = 'TRUE'

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