Automate - Detach Db's - Move Files Different Drive

  • I have a task where i have to move 100's databases to another drive on the same server. I could spent some time to create a script, was wondering if anyone has done this before , will save me some time :). I need to do following things.:

    i) I should be able to provide list of databases, script should be able to identify mdf ,ndf and ldf files location and then move to respective drives (data and log).

    ii) After move it should be able to attach databases with the new location.

    Thanks in advance.

  • i use this snippet a lot; but it is centric to a single database, but i bet it gets you 90% there.

    it assumes I KNOW the destination for the files, and finds anything not already in that path, and builds the commands and instructio ns.

    results for one db:


    --MOVE The File Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\DBA_Utilities.mdf To D:\MSSQL\Data\DBA_Utilities.mdf

    --then execute this command

    ALTER DATABASE [DBA_Utilities] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = DBA_Utilities, FILENAME = 'D:\MSSQL\Data\DBA_Utilities.mdf')

    --MOVE The File L:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\DBA_Utilities_log.LDF To L:\MSSQL\Logs\DBA_Utilities_log.LDF

    --then execute this command

    ALTER DATABASE [DBA_Utilities] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = DBA_Utilities_log, FILENAME = 'L:\MSSQL\Logs\DBA_Utilities_log.LDF')


    DECLARE @DBToMove varchar(100) = 'DBA_Utilities'

    DECLARE @TargetDataLocation varchar(500) = 'D:\MSSQL\Data';

    DECLARE @TargetLogsLocation varchar(500) = 'L:\MSSQL\Logs';

    WITH MyData AS


    SELECT 0 AS SortOrder, @DBToMove As DatabaseName,'' AS CurrentPath,'' As Currentfile,'ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename(@DBToMove) + ' SET OFFLINE ' AS cmd UNION ALL

    SELECT 2 As SortOrder, As DatabaseName,

    REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)),256)) As CurrentPath,

    REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) -1)) As Currentfile,

    '--MOVE The File ' + mf.physical_name + ' To ' + + @TargetDataLocation + '\' + REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) -1)) + '

    --then execute this command

    ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename( + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = ' + + ', FILENAME = ''' + @TargetDataLocation + '\' + REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) -1)) + ''') '

    AS cmd

    FROM sys.databases db

    inner join sys.master_files mf

    on db.database_id = mf.database_id

    where db.database_id > 4

    AND mf.type_desc = 'ROWS'

    AND CHARINDEX(@TargetDataLocation,mf.physical_name) = 0


    MyLogs AS


    SELECT 4 AS SortOrder, @DBToMove As DatabaseName,'' AS CurrentPath,'' As Currentfile,'ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename(@DBToMove) + ' SET ONLINE ' AS cmd UNION ALL

    SELECT 3 AS SortOrder, As DatabaseName,

    REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)),256)) As CurrentPath,

    REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) -1)) As Currentfile,

    '--MOVE The File ' + mf.physical_name + ' To ' + + @TargetLogsLocation + '\' + REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) -1)) + '

    --then execute this command

    ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename( + ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = ' + + ', FILENAME = ''' + @TargetLogsLocation + '\' + REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name),CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(mf.physical_name)) -1)) + ''') ' AS cmd

    FROM sys.databases db

    inner join sys.master_files mf

    on db.database_id = mf.database_id

    where db.database_id > 4

    AND mf.type_desc = 'LOG'

    AND CHARINDEX(@TargetLogsLocation,mf.physical_name) = 0


    SELECT Databasename,SortOrder,cmd FROM MyData WHERE @DBToMove = NULL OR @DBToMove = Databasename


    SELECT Databasename,SortOrder,cmd FROM MyLogs WHERE @DBToMove = NULL OR @DBToMove = Databasename

    order by Databasename,SortOrder


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • how do the files move from one drive to another?

  • curious_sqldba (12/1/2015)

    how do the files move from one drive to another?

    i'd go with doing it physically.

    if you really want to automated it,

    you might do it via xp_cmdShell and the MOV command, if you REALLY want to script it.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Yeah i want a script at-least for this go round, there are about 500 databases. I will keep looking.

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