AutoComplete functionality in User Email, like GMail, yahoo etc.

  • Hi,

    I have to find a solution in which there would be a text box like GMail, yahoo etc. "To, CC, BCC" Box, when you type a character it starts showing your matching words in a list and you can select from that list, after selection it writes that email in text box. An autocomplete functionality.

    We need a similar functionality, we have thousands of users with FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress and the search requires on Live data. I am looking for a solution and found following link:

    From this guide it seems we have to make some URL from which xml is returned with filtered data. I need some help on this. If someone has any idea or already worked on it, plz. share your thoughts, suggestion, solution. I am also concerned about the fast retrieval of data. upon each single character typing requesting a URL and getting data would make UI slower or not? plz. help.

    Shamshad Ali

  • This is not really a SQL problem, although SQL will be part of the solution.

    Assuming that this is a web based application, you will need to make an asyncrinous Javascript (AJAX) call to the web server which will then implement some SQL code

    SELECT NAME from Users WHERE name like @valuePassedInFromAJAXCall

    This will return a results set which the webserver will then need to convert to XML or JSON (You could output from SQL as XML)

    The AJAX listener on the website will then take that JSON or XML and populate an area of the webpage (normally a dropdownlist in a form) by manipulating the web page DOM.

    although there are lots of examples available on the web and using a framework (MooTools, Juice etc) makes the task simpler, this is not a simple process.

  • These processes would not be making it UI slower at the time of typing text? I am also concerned about the performance on each key press, back space key punch etc?

    Shamshad Ali.

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