
  • I know there are a few guitarists out there after one of my polls about hobbies. So I'm sure there will be a few of you interested in this cool, auto-tuning technology for guitars.

    I'm a guitarist, though that might be a bit of a stretch. I'm a hack, playing somewhat rarely and mostly for fun. I can play a few through that my wife will sing, but it's mostly a diversion. And my ears stink. The left one is nicely blown out most of the way and I have a relatively small range on the right, so tuning is a pain, mostly by feel of the vibrations rather than the tone.

    And I hate retuning. It's a pain and I tend to avoid songs that require detuning because it's annoying. And it's annoying for the guys that are good and interrupts their playing. That's why you see many guitarists on stage having 2, 3, or 5 guitars that they switch between constantly.

    Someone finally did something about it. A guy built a computerized system for retuning a guitar in about 5 seconds. That is very cool, especially for the pros. At $3400, I'm not sure I'll be looking to set that up anytime soon, but since they shop is near me in Fort Collins, I may ask to swing by someday and take a look at how they do it.

    It's cool to see someone using technology in music to make the analog systems better. I think the analog music sounds better, even to my limited ears, and I prefer this to someone inventing some other "digital" guitar with no strings, doesn't change tunings, etc.

    Those imperfect instruments, with mistakes made in the playing, bring out a warmth and human-ality to music that I don't think computers can create.

    Steve Jones

    PS - Apologies for no poll this week, but I've been a touch too distracted to come up with one. Look for a new one next week.

  • I have to say on the subject of digital music, I am kinda split. I love bands like Rage Against The Machine that do not use synthesised digital instruments but at the same time I am a sucker for Kraftwerk, Cabaret Voltaire, and other either mostly synthesised or completly synthesised acts. Even so, I think that its really something to hear an old Jimi Hendrix song and really groove to the sound of the guitar ( I picked Hendrix because I personally regard him as being one of the best guitarists ever ). In any case, I think that this technology is cool!


    A failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!

  • Hi Steve.

    Yeah, the TrasPerformance system is pretty cool. Dave Beegle who demos the system is a close friend. Of course now, Dave doesn't look like he belongs in an 80's hair band:


    Dave is a phenomenal guitarist, all the way from Rock to Flamenco to free-form ala JamMan Box (Phil Keaggy style). If you ever get a chance to see him in concert, it is well worth it.

    BTW, the TransPerformance system has been out for I believe more than 10 years - it’s interesting that it is now getting some press.

  • What!! An auto-tuner?

    Come on. What's next a guitar that will play by itself?

    As a piece of engineering the auto-tuning system is amazing but it doesn't belong on any instrument. A simple $50.00 digital tuner is all you need. Does it take longer to tune? Yes, maybe 15-20 more seconds.

    I'll admit, I'm a guitar purest. I've been playing for almost 20 years. Give me a vintage class-a amp (Fender, Matchless etc.) or even a new class-a amp from some of the great amp builders out there (Bad Cat, Savage etc), a Les Paul or Fender Strat with no frills or bells and whistles and maybe a vintage overdrive pedal. Plug in and play.

    Steve you are right. Analog does sound better, especially with guitars and drums. But I disagree with adding this technology to a beautiful instrument. It's bulky, looks terrible and will certainly change the tonality (as well as sustain) of the instrument.

    My ears aren't what they used to be either. Way too many shows with a 100 watt Marshall or Fender Twin years ago when I was young and foolish. Now I play with a 15 watt class-A amp in a rock / blues band and I'm still considered too loud!!!

    Guitar players are a fickle group. Some will always be searching for and purchasing the "latest, greatest" technology and make fantastic music with it. And that's great for the folks that build devices like the auto-tuning system. Maybe they can re-coup their R&D costs (if they are lucky).

    Keep it pure and simple. I would rather "wow" people with my playing than with a guitar that tunes itself.


  • Greg,

    Tend to agree with most of your points, but I don't think this is for the audience. I think it's for the guitarist that saves time and doesn't pause his show. It might affect the tone, who knows, and it certainly could be dropped on top of the guitar, behind the neck, etc. It doesn't look great.

    And what kind of $50 tuner? I have a nice small $19.99 one that handles electric plugs for my son and analog for me and my old Yamaha

  • The world needs more out of tune guitars. They are going the way of the Dodo.

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