Auto increment int with leading zeros

  • Hello, hopefully I'm asking in the right forum.  If not apologies and please move to correct forum.

    I have an auto increment (identity specification) field/column with the int datatype that I want to default with leading zeros.

    My question is is this possible with int - if so how? Or should I change to another data type?


  • Hi mf_connolly,

    You will not be able to prefix the int column data with leading zeros. One way to achieve this would be adding a new calculated varchar field which can prefix with the required zeros to the int field 

    create table t (c1 int identity (1,1), c2 AS right('000000000000' + cast(c1 AS VARCHAR(20)), 10),c3 varchar(20))
    insert into t(c3) values ('a'),('b'),('c')
    select * from t
    drop table t

    Hope this helps 🙂

    For computed field limitations and usage please refer

  • mf_connolly - Friday, March 9, 2018 5:08 AM

    Hello, hopefully I'm asking in the right forum.  If not apologies and please move to correct forum.

    I have an auto increment (identity specification) field/column with the int datatype that I want to default with leading zeros.

    My question is is this possible with int - if so how? Or should I change to another data type?


    You cannot store leading zeros in the INT datatype or in fact any numerical datatype. The only option you have is to store it as a character string.

    My question is why you need to do this?

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