Authorized report users in SSRS

  • Hi,

    I have 10 reports running in SSRS. I gave permission to network users to browse to these reports. In Sql server, I would like to know all users whom I have authorized. It might be one of the tables in master?

  • How did you grant rights to the reports, via specific user or by AD group? If by group the best you can get without going out to AD is the groups and it is stored in ReportServer.dbo.Users.

  • Thank you for your answer. I gave access via AD.

    In ReportServer.dbo.Users table, I see userid,sid,usertype,Authtype,username.

    which table do I get the report name which is given access to users?

  • How's PolicyID is generated in ReportServer.dbo.policies?

  • Select newid()

  • mya (8/27/2009)

    Thank you for your answer. I gave access via AD.

    In ReportServer.dbo.Users table, I see userid,sid,usertype,Authtype,username.

    which table do I get the report name which is given access to users?

    SELECT Catalog.Path, Catalog.Name, Users.UserName


    PolicyUserRole ON Catalog.PolicyID = PolicyUserRole.PolicyID INNER JOIN

    Users ON PolicyUserRole.UserID = Users.UserID

  • Hi,

    Have you given these rights through the SSRS web interface?

  • An easy alternative - depending on your set up - is to go to Report Manager, click on the report in question, view properties/security and it gives a listing of everyone who has access to the reports as well as their level of access.

  • Hi

    You could add the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE group

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