Auditing dynamically changing connections

  • Hello

    Using SQL 2008R2

    I work in a dev->test->prod environment
    I have a package
    In this package there are a number of connections
    There are variables that control where the connection points (ServerName and InitialCatalog)
    So for each connection, it utilises the content of the 2 variables and replaces via expressions

    There's an initial Package Config  that defines the initial source (so I have 1 for dev, 1 for test, ...)
    The source for each variable is held in a table
    So, I have a SQL task that extracts data from this table and allocates the value to the variable

    So, if this runs on dev, it uses the dev package config for the initial server and database
    Then the sql command runs against the Server/DB and extracts the dev connection sources

    The rest runs against these sources

    All good, as it works (appreciate there are other ways to do this but it is what it is)

    I've just introduced a new source using the exact same methd as previous and now i'm getting security issues
    Only when it runs as a job; If I run through SSIS, it works fine

    As this is allocating the connection dynamically, how do I establish exactly what it is pointing to
    All I seem to get in the log (and I've looked at the options) is 'Failed to acquire connection <database>'
    No server name or who it's running as

    I suspect it's connected with the SSIS step in the job but really want to look at the detail behind its execution first



    - Damian

  • The expression that contains that initial connection string, does it have a value or is it blank? Also, have you set your package, connection managers and tasks' "Delay Validation" property to true?

    I've seen this happen at times because logging starts before configurations are applied, so if the connection string contains no value or if it is trying to validate connection managers you could see errors.

  • Thanks for the reply

    The variable has a value in it. By default it points to my development server - although I expect this to change at run time

    DelayValidation for the connection is set to false
    For the package it's set to True
    I did think the package took presedance

    This doesn't look to have solved the problem

    To get the run time values i've temporarily, built my own logging into the package 
    This writes away the variable values
    It's proven that everything is working as expected with runtime setting

    - Damian

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