Auditing data within a table.

  • Hi there. I'm having quite a lot of problems trying to do what I need to with SQL. This may be very basic to some but my understanding of T-SQL is only as good as the snippets I find on google......

    Essentially, this is an Audit function...

    A table filled with the checked data is compared with the main table where an ID is checked that it is in the correct room, location and sublocation.

    I can get a list of all that is wrong with it using...

    SELECT * FROM tblAudit


    SELECT Room, Location, SubLocation, IDNo FROM tblMain

    Hovever, that will only show the info within the Audit table. If I reverse it, it shows around 15000 records! I can qualify the room, location and sub location to get one area, but still only shows one lot of data, not both simultaneously.

    I did use INNER JOIN on the IDNo which presented the information well, but displayed every record, not just the ones that do not match. Every time I add INNER JOIN to the EXCEPT statement, it kicks out a few errors...

    Another option I did think of was using T-SQL to effectively "add" a column stating whether Audit = Main to present to a grid view (, however all attempts on this front have failed.

    Any help on this would be most appreciated.

  • SELECT * FROM tblAudit


    SELECT Room, Location, SubLocation, IDNo FROM tblMain

    The requirements are not very clear (no DDL of the tables, no expected output). Anyway do you mean something like that:

    SELECT * -- specify columns in production

    FROM tblAudit AS A


    (SELECT *

    FROM tblMain AS M

    WHERE A.IdNo = M.IdNo)


    Philipp Post


    Philipp Post

  • Philipp Post (4/28/2009)

    The requirements are not very clear (no DDL of the tables, no expected output). Anyway do you mean something like that:

    I do apologise. I'm unsure as to "DDL" of tables, but the coloumns are as follows...



    Room nvarchar(50)

    Location nvarchar(50)

    SubLocation nvarchar(50)

    IDNo int NOT NULL



    Room nvarchar(50)

    Location nvarchar(50)

    SubLocation nvarchar(50)


    The main table has some 30 something columns. This cannot be changed in any way shape or form.

    Using the code below...

    SELECT * FROM tblAudit


    SELECT Room, Location, SubLocation, IDNo FROM tblMain

    I see (for example)

    Room Location SubLocation IDno

    08 Bookcase01 Shelf1 14521

    This record in tblMain has a sublocation of Shelf2 however in the output, you cannot see that. The rows the EXCEPT statement returns are perfect, but don't show the whole picture. I tried using a JOIN to add the tblMain data on to it, but failed at every turn.

    Room Location SubLocation IDno MRoom MLocation MSublocation

    08 Bookcase01 Shelf1 14521 08 Bookcase01 Shelf2

    What would be better though (but seemingly completely out of my grasp of T-SQL) is to have the above returned as a simple join (so every record is displayed) but add a "validated" column that checks Room, Location and Sublocation is the same then ouptuts True or False. That way I can present the data easier through

    I hope this makes sense. I was thrown this project acompanied by a "teach yourself" book and google so I do apologies for any bad terminology used!

  • There are probably other ways but using a CTE (Common table expression) is a possibility

    I'll assume you want the main table data for records you found in the audit where the

    data items are different

    with MyAuditRecords as (

    SELECT Room, Location, SubLocation, IDNo FROM tblAudit


    SELECT Room, Location, SubLocation, IDNo FROM tblMain )

    select a.Room, a.Location, a.SubLocation, a.IDNo,

    m.Room, m.Location, m.SubLocation, m.IDNo

    from MyAuditRecords a

    join tblMain m on m.IDNo = a.IDNo

    Just about to post and saw your last update with more info. I think this is roughly what you were after without re-reading the details



  • That is perfect!!!

    Thank you ever so much!

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