
  • Anyone know any good auditing products you can reccomend?

    We are currently using Idera's SQLComplianceManager product, but are having issues with it occasionally losing audit data without any failure indications.

    The Redneck DBA

  • What type of auditing? Connections? Changes?

  • Sorry...should have been more specific.

    We pretty much collect everything.

    Logins, (failed and sucessful), selects, updates, deletes, inserts, etc. New objects created / dropped.

    The Redneck DBA

  • I see, I see ... if it would have simply been connections, than I could have given you a basic TSQL procedure to use.

    Since you're going for more or less everything, I've really only demo'd Compliance Manager after hunting around and at the time it looked rather impressive.

  • It is an impressive just has some quirks.

    I'm working with their support (which is excellent) and I think we are going to end up getting it working for us.

    The Redneck DBA

  • Has anyone used Lumigent's Auditing software? Any comments on it?

    The Redneck DBA

  • I'm using Idera's SQL Compliance Manager and been pretty happy with it. It can audit logins, DDL and DML statements. They have good ability to filter what you audit for example if you want to audit all successful logins except for SQL Server agent account but still audit all failed logins. The alerting capability is really good and support has been excellent. The database is easy to figure out so you could create your own alerts. They also have a simple to use archiving process that makes cleaning up the database pretty easy.

    On the down side, the reporting is limited in that I have to create a report for each audited server. I would like to get a report that covers multiple audited servers. Also, there is no alert that tells me that audit collection has failed, I need to manually check the tool.

    I'm about ready to upgrade to latest release so hopefully some of the short comings have been addressed, especially the notification for failed audit collection. Overall though, I think its a good tool for auditing and letting me know exactly what's going on in SQL Server.

    I have not tried Lumigent's auditing tool so I cannot make a comparison. I've worked with other Lumigent products in the past and they appear to make quality tools with good support.


  • We currently use Idera here, and I have about the same opinion that you do. It's really nice when it works, but when it doesn't work you don't know until you run reports and notice data missing unless you constantly monitor it. I've had to write several scripts to monitor it myself.

    I never really thought about it, but it would be nice if their reports went across servers. I spend about 2 hours every month running the same report on 23 different servers.

    The Redneck DBA

  • [I spend about 2 hours every month running the same report on 23 different servers.

    I figure all they need to do is create partitioned view to union the data from each repository database. Then include a server option in the reports. I opened a ticket with support and even sent them a sample view... so far I have not heard back if they plan to implement this or some other method for joining each servers repository. I'm sure it's more difficult to implement than it sounds.

    I don't use the reports just for that reason, I don't want to receive a bunch of separate reports covering the same data. Fortunately for me the reporting feature is not by required by management... yet. I could not image the headache involved working with 23 instances of x number of reports. If you got it down to 2 hours, then you've really streamlined your process, never mind how long I bet it takes to review the reports. 😉


  • I suppose you could modify the stored procedure that is used for the report to just ignore the server parameter passed into it, and return everything.

    Might make for a big report though.

    The Redneck DBA

  • I would suggest create on DB DBAUDIT and create some tables and user defined sp's and views and also generate the SQL jobs and configure to send an report to your email by monthly or by weekly as you wish.



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