Audit trigger including transaction or sp name

  • hello everybody, first i want to apologize for my bad english i'm not a good english speaker 😛

    The thing is:

    I have implemented an audit structure by mean of audit triggers generated automatically. So I would like to know what sp has fired the trigger in order to save the sp name in the audit structure or at least to know the outer transaction name from the inside of the trigger.

    the only thing i could find is the transaction id in the locks tables, but i cannot join that id with anything else to get the name.

    i hope you understand my problem and i thank you all. 😀

  • The original SQL command can be obtained using DBCC INPUTBUFFER

    You will need to parse out the stored procedure name from various possibilities including:

    exec sp_spaceused 'Party' , 'true'

    execute sp_spaceused 'Party' , 'true'

    exec [sp_spaceused] 'Party' , 'true'

    execute [sp_spaceused] 'Party' , 'true'

    exec dbo.sp_spaceused 'Party' , 'true'

    execute dbo.sp_spaceused 'Party' , 'true'

    exec dbo.[sp_spaceused] 'Party' , 'true'

    execute dbo.[sp_spaceused] 'Party' , 'true'

    and so forth.


    Create procedure InputBuffer_get_SPName

    (@SPName nvarchar(4000) output


    set nocount on

    create table #inputbuffer

    (EventType nvarchar(30)

    ,Parameters integer

    ,EventInfo nvarchar(4000)


    insert into #inputbuffer


    exec ( 'dbcc inputbuffer(@@spid)')

    select * from #inputbuffer

    select @SPName = EventInfo

    from #inputbuffer

    -- parse out the stored procedure name

    return 0



    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Tank you very much!! i'm actually testing this posibility to ensure it works for me.

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