June 15, 2005 at 4:14 pm
Any suggestions on creating an audit table to track :
Action Type \ Field Name \ Before Value \ After Value \Who Changed \When Changed
Action type >> I/U/D >> Insert / Update /Delete
June 15, 2005 at 5:26 pm
If it is allowed to use stored procedure remove Insert, Update and delete rights for application user on the tables. Do everything by stored procedures. Give rights to Exec rights on Stored procedure abd handle everything in stored procedures.
Or use the application (Front End) to do the task. With OOAD it wouldn't be very difficiult.
June 15, 2005 at 6:52 pm
Hello govinn,
Thanks for your reply,
I know how to handle gen of an audit trail with the on insert,update, delete trigger. (I/U/D)
If the logic is not in a trigger how does it get called on an I/U/D event and sample code ???
New to envrionment.
June 15, 2005 at 11:45 pm
Can you use the built in C2 Audit Functionality from SQL Server 2K?
that audits literally everything that happens, every end user activity(ie every sql command), as well as a lot of otehr things. i would bet the audit logs grow at a tremendous rate.
see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/maintain/sqlc2.mspx
June 16, 2005 at 2:11 am
You can also checkout products like Lumigent Entegra that use trace files and database logs to audit all SQL Server activity, I have used this and it has even allowed me to forward notification emails to developers to fix their code, example email:
Subject: Entegra - Login Failed
The user myuser myuser attempted to log in to SQ1 from the computer WEB1, using an application that identified itself as "My Web Site". The login attempt failed.
This e-mail notification was automatically generated by Lumigent Entegra from the computer SQL1.
Lumigent Technologies - http://www.lumigent.com
Showed the developer of the Web site login page that they were not validating the User name entry field.
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