Audit Database Changes in the Real World

  • Just wanted to say thanks for sharing. The article was well thought out and well written. The level of detail in your object descriptions was great. I think this will help alot of folks. Again, thanks and good job :).

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John Rowan (6/12/2008)

    Just wanted to say thanks for sharing. The article was well thought out and well written. The level of detail in your object descriptions was great. I think this will help alot of folks. Again, thanks and good job :).

    thanks a ton for the nice words. I hope it does help.

    Not to try to draw traffic away from SSC, but i have another site for auditing & compliance. Its just starting up, and points back here for all articles ive published on the topic.

    For all those out there that want more specific help with this topic and surrounding issues, go and visit the SQL PASS Special Interest website for Auditing & Compliance.

    I started this SIG last year, and am trying to get a group of people that can help each other out on this topic.

  • Excelent article !

    Almost the system we have implemented recently with the difference that instead of linked servers the system exports the changes of the "Audit" database (which is installed locally on each monitored server) to text files and these are uploaded to a server, where it's reviewed.

    Anyway, that's the way a database should monitored. I think it's great you have decided to share your implementation with the rest.

    Thank you, sir ! 🙂

  • hi tjay excellent article !!!

    i was jsut trying to browse thsi site and it give an error.

    and also i could not find the code for the jobs - Audit -Database changes / cleeint and Ausit Process files cleint.

    Please can you tell how do you start the procedue in a job.

    thanks for your help.

  • sharon (11/24/2008)

    hi tjay excellent article !!!

    i was jsut trying to browse thsi site and it give an error.

    and also i could not find the code for the jobs - Audit -Database changes / cleeint and Ausit Process files cleint.

    Please can you tell how do you start the procedue in a job.

    thanks for your help.

    The PASS website has changed recently, and the link to the SIGs has been altered as well. It is now

    In a job, you can select a variety of execution options, one of which is sql server. any viable sql statement can go here, and be executed. If you simply wanted to select 1, that would work, since its a valid sql statement. Even invalid ones that error can be put in a job, though im not sure of the reason one would want to do that.

    I would suggest playing with it, and you can see how you want to implement the proc calls from a job yourself. Its fun to play and see the results of job executions, i think.

  • hi tjay thanks a million for your help.

  • Apparently, there are missing SPs in your posted code, one of them was spGetDIRExists. Can you please post them too?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    wanted to implement your solution , but I have a lot problemes.

    Seem that I must to create directory and jobs , but I don't know what kind of these object I must create.

    Your help for deploying is needed.

  • Hi,

    I really want to know how many jobs i must create et what SP i'll put insite.

    I must remediate some sox control and I want to implement your solution.






    declare @DirectoryName varchar(255) ,

    @DirExists int

    set @DirectoryName = 'E:\BACKUPFILES'

    exec spGetDirExists @DirectoryName, @DirExists output

    print @DirExists


    ALTER procedure spGetDirExists

    @DirectoryName varchar(250) = null,

    @DirExists bit output


    set NoCount on


    @result int,

    @ErrorMsg varchar(500)


    --Create temporary table for FileExists

    create table #fileexists


    doesexist smallint,

    fileindir smallint,

    direxist smallint


    -- Insert into the temporary table

    --print @DirectoryName

    Insert into #fileexists

    exec master.dbo.xp_fileexist @DirectoryName

    if @@Error <> 0


    set @ErrorMsg = 'An error occurred while calling xp_fileexist, to find a file'

    Goto ErrorProc



    @DirExists = direxist*fileindir

    from #fileexists FE

    drop table #fileexists



    return 0 /* success */



    if @ErrorMsg is not null and @ErrorMsg <> ''

    RAISERROR ( @ErrorMsg, 16, 1)

    return 1 /* failure */







  • Hi,

    all is ok for me now. But I have some problem with named instance server.

    The Audit don't work with a named oinstance.

  • Thank you so much for the well

    written and informative article.

    You are very generous with your

    knowledge. The article was most



    Database Auditing

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