Attach Sql Server 2000 DB to Sql Server 2005

  • I was wondering if anyone tryed to attach Sql Server 2K DB to 2K5?


  • it's supported. I tried and worked fine for me


  • Thanks. I already tried also and it works fine. The only thing I slightly confuse about- what happened when I installed Sql Server 2005 Developer edition on my PC (and didn't remove 2K)- my old 2K databases were automatically upgraded to 2K5? Currently I can see them from Sql Server 2K EM and Sql Server 2005 Management Studio. Can I (should I?) uninstall Sql Server 2K? Thanks

  • When you install SQL 2005 on a machine that has sql 2000, you can upgrade the sql 2000 instance or install a new sql 2005 instance. If you upgrade the sql 2000 instance, its databases are upgraded too. But their compitablity level is still 80 (2000). You need to change it to 90 if you want to use any sql 2005 feature on these databases.


  • One more thing. EM and 2005 SSMS are client side app. EM cannot be used to connect to a 2005 server (you will get error). 2005 SSMS can connect to 2000 server.

    According to your post, it seems you installed a new instance of 2005. So you can see the 2000 instnace both in EM and 2005 SSMS


  • Thanks a lot. Everything is as you pointed.

  • Be aware that you can not attach a 05 to 00.


  • Yes, you can do it... attach/deattach db 8 and 9. I even tried db 7.0. Took sql copy. Copy db copy to sql 2005 box and created a new db under 2005 from 7 backup.... but of course, that was "nothing fancy" database.

    my 2 cents,


  • Thanks everybody for responses. Just to keep you informed- if DB comprises more than 16 files (mdf + ndf + ldf) attach doesn't work. In this case we should use "CREATE DATABASE ... FOR ATTACH". Cheers. 

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