Attach Database from HardDrive

  • Dear All,

    I Have one database named PK in my database list. Now i had stop the sql services then remove the pk.mdf and pk.ldf files from harddrive.

    Then i had again start the sql services. After then when i start the sql mamagement studio and connect to the server the database is not in the list which i had removed form hard drive.

    Now I have both files PK.MDF and PK.LDF.

    When i tried to attach database using right click on database and attach then i got this error (An error occurred when attaching the database(s). Click the hyperlink in the Message column for details.)

    Can i restore my PK database again using this two files?????????

  • Hi there,

    You can use the Attach Database option where you can specify the .mdf and .ldf files to be attached and a new database will be created.

    Is this what you are interested in?



  • From the description, you did not detach the database prior to removing the files. There are still entries for that database in your master & msdb databases. Trying to reattach without either deleting or detaching (or going to a new machine that's never seen this db before) won't work.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

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    SQL Server Execution Plans
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