ASP won''t connect to SQL using Global.asa

  • I am attempting to setup the connection "application" for connecting to my SQL server using ASPs global.asa, and then referencing that applicaion every time one of my ASP pages needs to open a connection to the SQL server. The problem is that I have compared my code to the code I've found on nearly every forum post I've come across on Google, and though mine is the same, it still doesn't work.


    <script LANGUAGE="VBScript" RUNAT="Server">

    Dim ConnStr

    ConnStr = "Driver={SQL Server}; Provider=SQLOLEDB; Network Library=LIBNAME; Data Source=DSNAME; Initial Catalog=CATNAME; User Id=USER; Password=PASSWORD;"

    Application("ConnStr") = ConnStr

    End Sub



    ====Cut from one of my ASPs====

    Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Conn.Open Application("ConnStr")


    I can make my connections properly if I define the connection variables in every ASP page, but I would prefer to keep login info out of the pages and have a single file to change in case I have to move a server or something. Could someone point out my mistake?

  • I keep a separate .asp page with that configuration and 'INCLUDE' it at the very top on all pages.  Take the code out of global.asa.

    <!--#INCLUDE virtual="/virtualFolder/globalconfig.asp"-->

    If you're using visual interdev, you can 'set a project reference' to ADO and it will add the <meta> tags to global.asa so your ado constants will work or you can just add them yourself.


    Incidently, I never use <script runat=server> in classic asp. <%  %> Server tags seem to work best.  However, <script runat=server> is used in

  • I'm not sure if you were just paraphrasing your global.asa above or not...but if you were NOT paraphrasing, you forgot to use Sub Application_OnStart().  I see that you have an "End Sub" but not a beginning to your subroutine. Maybe that's why the application variable is not being set.

  • iyoung800: You're correct about the paraphrasing, though it was unintentional . I did have the "Sub Application_OnStart()" before the code I posted. I noticed that this morning when I read my post again. Doh!

    In regards to Tim's suggestion, I gave includes a try, and I it took care of my problem. The code wasn't quite as striaght forward as Tim's post lead on, but nothing that a crash course in SSI couldn't fix. I'm sure things would have been a little quicker if I used something to build my pages, since WordPad's debugger doesn't catch much .

    Thanks for your help!

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