ASP SQL Doent work

  • I upgraded my w2k 5.00.2195  webserver to 2003 enterprise, running IIS 6 and now my web site which is built mainly with ASP will not connect to my SQL 2000 Standard SP3 server. The web site is viewable but when customers try to track shipment loads ( Load info stored on SQL)  I get WEB ERROR  8007007f   /Classlib.asp, line xxx,    also when the web server starts I get the error   Rundll32.exe Entry Point Not Found   The procedure entry point GetTextExtentPointI could not be located in the DLL MSDART.dll     and after it boots this error   MSMDSRV.exe Entry Point Not Found, I installed MDAC 2.8 and then ran component checker and found mutiple and mismatched dlls, I tried to rollback but was unsuccesfull short of reverting back to W2K is there a more fessible way, I have been researching for a week on Microsoft and Google but 2003 and MDAC 2.8 seem so new that much info isn't available that I can find, any advice would greatly be appreciated. 

  • What is on the line where the error occurs? Can you post the connection string? (change teh server name, user, and pwd)

  • Function IsLoggedOn()

       If Session("LoggedOn") = "YES" Then

          IsLoggedOn = True


          IsLoggedOn = False

       End If     

    End Function

    (THIS IS LINE 151)

    Sub OpenDBConn 'Open connection to production data  (LINE 152)

          Set gobjConnect = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")


    End Sub


    Sub CloseDBConn 'Close connection to production data


          Set gobjConnect = Nothing

    End Sub


    'Send Email Using CDONTS (x in front of function name to enable/disable)

    Sub SendCDONTSEmail( psTo, psFrom, psSubject, psBody, psImportance)

    Dim cmd


          set cmd=createobject("ADODB.COMMAND")

          With cmd





  • I gave you a little extra context, Line 151 is where the error is at which there is nothing there, the code actually starts at Line 152. that is the error I am talking about, one out of the two I have, everything was fine untill the upgrade, seems like an MDAC thing, it's all new to me.Thanks.

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