Article on Importing Text

  • Hi Guys!

    I feel really stupid right now. I recall either a post or an article recently on SSC that dealt with alternative ways to handle importing text data into SQL Server. I had thought that I'd saved it in my SSC folder, but I can't find it. As I recall there were examples of avoiding openrowset and other examples.

    Does anyone recall the post or the article that it linked to?


    Todd Fifield

  • Thanks. This one is very helpful. I hadn't thought about using OpenDataSource. It's not the post/article I was thinking about. The example was opening a text file and parsing each line where the quoted delimiters might have been messed up. It also might have had an example of using xp_cmdshell with a Type command.

    Todd Fifield

  • For importing and parsing delimited text files you can try to use ODBC Microsoft Text Driver or OLEDB Microsoft Jet 4.0 provider in text mode.

    As a result you will see the file's content as a database table.

    It is even possible to create linked servers for such data sources.

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