Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 30

  • Query below has just started giving overflow error.

    /** This script changes the Visit details for visits that have been entered for Sub-Contractors or when the details have been entered on the PDA after the event.

    The script can change any of the following Visit date, Visit Reference Number, Inspector Name and RequiredByDate

    The options have to be chosen manually. **/

    USE [IdealOffice_NSI_Live]


    DECLARE @RollNumber Integer, @PDADate nVarChar(50), @Requiredby nvarChar(50), @UpdateDate1 DateTime, @UpdateDate2 DateTime,

    @VisitDate nvarchar(10), @BookedDate nvarchar(30) ,@StatusUpdateDate nvarchar(30), @NewRefNum nvarchar(5),@OriginalRefNum nvarchar(5),

    @ID uniqueidentifier, @status UniqueIdentifier, @InspectorID smallint, @InspectorFirstName nvarChar(20), @InspectorLastName nvarChar(30), @Duration int

    -- Original Visit Details

    -- Set RollNumber to the Approval Roll Number for visit

    SET @RollNumber = 1856

    -- Set PDADate to the date entered on PDA dd/mm/yyyy format

    SET @PDADate = '13/12/2012'

    --Set OriginalRefNum to reflect the original visit reference number

    SET @OriginalRefNum = '02'

    --New Visit details

    --Set VisitDate to the correct visit date dd/mm/yyyy format

    SET @VisitDate = '04/12/2012'

    --Set RefNum to reflect the correct Visit number

    SET @NewRefNum = '02'

    -- Set Duration (hours) if duration incorrect otherwise comment out the [Duration] column below.

    SET @Duration = 24

    --Set first name and last name of inspector. If the Inspector name remains unchanged then comment out

    -- the [Inspector] and [UserCreated] columns in the Visit and Results queries below.

    SET @InspectorFirstName = 'Peter'

    SET @InspectorLastName = 'Herbert'

    --Only needs to be changed if Inspector has entered an incorrect date otherwise comment out the

    -- [RequiredBy] column in the query below.

    SET @RequiredBy = '31/12/2011'

    -- Converts the PDA date to a datetime value

    SET @UpdateDate1 = Cast(@PDADate + ' 00:00:00' as DateTime)

    -- Adds 24 hours to PDA date

    SET @UpdateDate2 = DateAdd(hour,23, @UpdateDate1)

    SET @UpdateDate2 = DateAdd(minute,59,@UpdateDate2)

    -- Corrects the format of BookedDate and StatusUpdateDate

    SET @BookedDate = @Visitdate + ' 00:00:00'

    SET @StatusUpdateDate = @VisitDate + ' 17:00:00:00'

    -- Gets the status GUID for a complated visit

    SET @status = (SELECT [ApprovalVisitStatusID] FROM [dbo].[tlkpApprovalVisitStatus] WHERE [Name] = 'Completed')

    --Gets the visit ID for the actual visit

    SET @ID = (SELECT [ApprovalVisitId] FROM [dbo].[tblApprovalVisit]

    WHERE [ApprovalRollNumber] = @RollNumber

    AND [ApprovalVisitStatusUpdateDate] BETWEEN @UpdateDate1 AND @UpdateDate2

    AND [ApprovalVisitStatusID] = @status AND [NumberReference] = @OriginalRefNum)

    --Get PersonnelID for SubContractor

    SET @InspectorID = 0

    SET @InspectorID = (SELECT [personnelID] FROM dbo.[tblPersonnel]

    WHERE FirstName = @InspectorFirstName AND LastName = @InspectorLastName)

    --Main update Query

    IF @InspectorID <> 0


    --Update the visit detail

    UPDATE [dbo].[tblApprovalVisit]

    SET[VisitEndTime] = CAST( @VisitDate + ' 17:00:00.000' as datetime)

    ,[VisitStartTime] = CAST(@VisitDate + ' 09:00:00.000' as datetime)

    ,[NumberReference] = @NewRefNum

    ,[approvalVisitStatusUpdateDate] = CAST(@StatusUpdateDate as datetime)

    ,[BookedDate] = CAST(@BookedDate as datetime)

    --,[Inspector] = @InspectorID --Comment Line out if Inspector does not need updating.

    --,[RequiredBy] = CAST(@RequiredBy + ' 00:00:00.000' AS Datetime)

    --,[Duration] = @Duration

    ,[UserUpdated] = 101

    --,[ApprovalVisitStatusID] = @status

    WHERE [ApprovalVisitID] = @ID

    --Update the result detail

    UPDATE [dbo].[tblApprovalVisitXmlResult]

    SET [DateCreated] = @BookedDate

    --,[UserCreated] = @InspectorID --Comment out if not needed. This is only required when the Inspector's name is incorrect.

    ,[DateUpdated] = @StatusUpdateDate

    ,[UserUpdated] = 101

    WHERE ApprovalVisitID = @ID

    --Selects the visit that has been updated.

    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tblApprovalVisit]

    WHERE [ApprovalVisitID] = @ID




    Print 'Inspector Name could not be found'


  • Random guess: -

    USE [IdealOffice_NSI_Live]


    DECLARE @RollNumber INT, @PDADate NVARCHAR(50), @Requiredby NVARCHAR(50), @UpdateDate1 DATETIME, @UpdateDate2 DATETIME,

    @VisitDate NVARCHAR(10), @BookedDate NVARCHAR(30), @StatusUpdateDate NVARCHAR(30), @NewRefNum NVARCHAR(5), @OriginalRefNum NVARCHAR(5),

    @ID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @status UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @InspectorID SMALLINT, @InspectorFirstName NVARCHAR(20), @InspectorLastName NVARCHAR(30),

    @Duration INT;

    -- Original Visit Details

    -- Set RollNumber to the Approval Roll Number for visit

    SET @RollNumber = 1856;

    -- Set PDADate to the date entered on PDA YYYY-MM-DD format

    SET @PDADate = '2012-12-13';

    --Set OriginalRefNum to reflect the original visit reference number

    SET @OriginalRefNum = '02';

    --New Visit details

    --Set VisitDate to the correct visit date YYYY-MM-DD format

    SET @VisitDate = '2012-12-04';

    --Set RefNum to reflect the correct Visit number

    SET @NewRefNum = '02';

    -- Set Duration (hours) if duration incorrect otherwise comment out the [Duration] column below.

    SET @Duration = 24;

    --Set first name and last name of inspector. If the Inspector name remains unchanged then comment out

    -- the [Inspector] and [UserCreated] columns in the Visit and Results queries below.

    SET @InspectorFirstName = 'Peter';

    SET @InspectorLastName = 'Herbert';

    --Only needs to be changed if Inspector has entered an incorrect date otherwise comment out the

    -- [RequiredBy] column in the query below.

    SET @RequiredBy = '2011-12-31';

    -- Converts the PDA date to a datetime value

    SET @UpdateDate1 = Cast(@PDADate + ' 00:00:00' AS DATETIME);

    -- Adds 24 hours to PDA date

    SET @UpdateDate2 = DateAdd(hour, 23, @UpdateDate1);

    SET @UpdateDate2 = DateAdd(minute, 59, @UpdateDate2);

    -- Corrects the format of BookedDate and StatusUpdateDate

    SET @BookedDate = @Visitdate + ' 00:00:00';

    SET @StatusUpdateDate = @VisitDate + ' 17:00:00:00';

    -- Gets the status GUID for a complated visit

    SET @status = (

    SELECT [ApprovalVisitStatusID]

    FROM [dbo].[tlkpApprovalVisitStatus]

    WHERE [Name] = 'Completed'


    --Gets the visit ID for the actual visit

    SET @ID = (

    SELECT [ApprovalVisitId]

    FROM [dbo].[tblApprovalVisit]

    WHERE [ApprovalRollNumber] = @RollNumber

    AND [ApprovalVisitStatusUpdateDate] BETWEEN @UpdateDate1

    AND @UpdateDate2

    AND [ApprovalVisitStatusID] = @status

    AND [NumberReference] = @OriginalRefNum


    --Get PersonnelID for SubContractor

    SET @InspectorID = 0;

    SET @InspectorID = (

    SELECT [personnelID]

    FROM dbo.[tblPersonnel]

    WHERE FirstName = @InspectorFirstName

    AND LastName = @InspectorLastName


    --Main update Query

    IF @InspectorID <> 0


    --Update the visit detail

    UPDATE [dbo].[tblApprovalVisit]

    SET [VisitEndTime] = CAST(@VisitDate + ' 17:00:00.000' AS DATETIME),

    [VisitStartTime] = CAST(@VisitDate + ' 09:00:00.000' AS DATETIME),

    [NumberReference] = @NewRefNum,

    [approvalVisitStatusUpdateDate] = CAST(@StatusUpdateDate AS DATETIME),

    [BookedDate] = CAST(@BookedDate AS DATETIME)

    --,[Inspector] = @InspectorID --Comment Line out if Inspector does not need updating.

    --,[RequiredBy] = CAST(@RequiredBy + ' 00:00:00.000' AS Datetime)

    --,[Duration] = @Duration

    , [UserUpdated] = 101

    --,[ApprovalVisitStatusID] = @status

    WHERE [ApprovalVisitID] = @ID;

    --Update the result detail

    UPDATE [dbo].[tblApprovalVisitXmlResult]

    SET [DateCreated] = @BookedDate

    --,[UserCreated] = @InspectorID --Comment out if not needed. This is only required when the Inspector's name is incorrect.

    , [DateUpdated] = @StatusUpdateDate, [UserUpdated] = 101

    WHERE ApprovalVisitID = @ID;

    --Selects the visit that has been updated.

    SELECT *

    FROM [dbo].[tblApprovalVisit]

    WHERE [ApprovalVisitID] = @ID;




    PRINT 'Inspector Name could not be found';


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  • Thanks but can not see what change is

  • As your dates are in DMY format, you need to ensure that the connection is set to use dates in DMY format or put an implicit change in the procedure to do SET DATEFORMAT DMY

    I am guessing its MDY format, so your "SET @UpdateDate1 = Cast(@PDADate + ' 00:00:00' as DateTime)" line is trying to say the 12th day of the 13th month 2012 which is not a valid date causing the overflow.

    Craig's solution is using ISO date formats YYYY-MM-DD which will stop this implicit conversion from DMY MDY from happening, which is how you should be handling dates if you can.

  • (2/13/2013)

    As your dates are in DMY format, you need to ensure that the connection is set to use dates in DMY format or put an implicit change in the procedure to do SET DATEFORMAT DMY

    I am guessing its MDY format, so your "SET @UpdateDate1 = Cast(@PDADate + ' 00:00:00' as DateTime)" line is trying to say the 12th day of the 13th month 2012 which is not a valid date causing the overflow.

    Craig's solution is using ISO date formats YYYY-MM-DD which will stop this implicit conversion from DMY MDY from happening, which is how you should be handling dates if you can.

    100 points! Thanks for the explanation, I nipped out for lunch straight after posting and only just got back

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  • Or just use a language-neutral form, that is always interpreted as ymd, eg:

    set @VisitDate=N'20131225'

  • Thanks everyone, problem has mysteriously rectified itself!

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