Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • GSquared (4/15/2010)

    Wooohooo! I can tell bad jokes!

    I don't think I ever have any effect on that happening.

    Booohooo! I have to pay my taxes today!

    I'll pay in a month or so. Filing an extension today because, well, I hate taxes and avoid them until the CPA complains 11 times.

  • CirquedeSQLeil (4/15/2010)

    Which mtn / slope / resort? I have a friend in the IRS who wants to talk to you.

    I'm on Peak 7 at Breckenridge.

    If the IRS can find this,

    they can find me

  • Five bad jokes? That's it? I come back from a day of vacation to 5 bad jokes and a guy that should stick to using Excel to store data?

  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/15/2010)

    Five bad jokes? That's it? I come back from a day of vacation to 5 bad jokes and a guy that should stick to using Excel to store data?

    LOL - I hadn't considered making that recommendation. That would have been perfect.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/15/2010)

    Five bad jokes? That's it? I come back from a day of vacation to 5 bad jokes and a guy that should stick to using Excel to store data?

    Bwhahahahaha...I can't stop laughing...and it's really not that funny. :hehe:

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  • Roy Ernest (4/15/2010)

    I am just gonna take a break, go home and relax with my family... And then come back fresh tomorrow morning and try out the ideas... πŸ™‚

    That month-long vacation you just came back from wasn't enough? :w00t:

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Roy Ernest (4/15/2010)

    What is the best way to beat writer's block? Anybody have any ideas? I am half way through an article and now I cant seem to complete it. Damn..!!!!:angry:

    You need to de-saturate, Roy. Leave it alone for a day, don't even think about it. Do something completely different like free-fall, bungee-jumping...even an all-night bender. Feed the hippo, even.

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  • Roy Ernest (4/15/2010)

    I am just gonna take a break, go home and relax with my family... And then come back fresh tomorrow morning and try out the ideas... πŸ™‚

    On a serious note Roy - have you tried Tony Buzan's mind mapping techniques? - its a concept that gets you away from the linear process of writing gets you thinking about all the concepts for your piece - instead of just the next one that you should logically write about.

  • Alvin Ramard (4/15/2010)

    Should we send that OP here:

    or let him sweat a while longer?

    Well, at least that will take him to a page that advises him (correctly) NOT to use checksum for his purpose. So if he reads it he won't follow up that suggestion. Chris has it right: do column by column comparisons (given that SQLS can't do the job properly and ensure row uniqueness through a constraint).

    Edit: what am I thinking of? If his posts are anything to go by he'll ignore the advice and use it - after all, he's clearly ignoring everything he was ever taught and everything he has ever read about keys and constraints in SQLS.


  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/15/2010)

    Five bad jokes? That's it? I come back from a day of vacation to 5 bad jokes and a guy that should stick to using Excel to store data?

    Six, not Five. Surely that thread counts as a bad joke?


  • The Thread a joke??!?! Heck, I get all my moderator news from this place when I get past the bad jokes and movie discussions.

  • Michael Earl-395764 (11/18/2008)

    Is it me, or are the posted questions getting worse these days?

    I just read a post by someone apparently in charge of something who was asking how to take a database backup and restore it on another server.

    It seems like the general feeling of a lot of DBA's (term used loosely) these days is that they do not need to learn anything by reading or studying and they should simply post questions without doing any work themselves. I would expect that they can click the search button at least once before posting a question in a forum.

    Anyone else disappointed lately, or am I just getting bitter?

    I know I'm going to burn in hell for this one, LOL, but has anyone gotten around to answering this question. πŸ˜€

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein

  • It depends! :hehe:

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
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  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/16/2010)

    The Thread a joke??!?! Heck, I get all my moderator news from this place when I get past the bad jokes and movie discussions.

    Not THE Thread, the linked thread Lynn posted. Tom's not (that much of) a blasphemer πŸ˜‰

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • Having a good day today. Working through a problem comparing two datasets and finding those that don't match from either. Thought about it, mocked up some data and tried it, then was going to post my solution and ask if it made sense, but found a thread where Jack suggested the very thing I came up with!

    must be larnin' sumthin! πŸ˜€

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

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