Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Roy Ernest (10/13/2009)

    All of you are going to wear Kilt? Can we the of THE THREAD who cannot make it get a pic so that we can see? 🙂

    Roy, you want pictures of me in a kilt? We're friends & all, but...

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • jcrawf02 (10/13/2009)

    Roy Ernest (10/13/2009)

    All of you are going to wear Kilt? Can we the of THE THREAD who cannot make it get a pic so that we can see? 🙂

    Heck with that, can we of THE THREAD who cannot make it wear one too?

    Why not. Although, we're kind of past kilt wearing season up here in the NorthEast. I hope it isn't as cold as it was two years ago in Seattle or Wednesday will be an unhappy day.

    And yeah, for those who've wondered, I'll be wearing one and I'm bringing an extra for Steve. Mine are just Utilikilts. No sporrans.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • GSquared (10/12/2009)

    I could be mistaken, but he seems to believe that there's only one right way to do things. That's a significant part of what I've taken away from what little I've read of his works. Maybe if I read more, I'd see something else, but that's what I see at this point. That's really my only disagreement with him.

    Gus, I have to agree with you. Joe's philosophy is that the only way is 100% pure ANSI sql. Personally, I completely disagree with him on that issue... you utilize the features that are in the product that you want. And if that includes "abnormal" sql, such as a quirky update, then so be it... you use what works for you on the product that you're using.

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  • Okay, it is after 8:00 PM, it is raining, and we are now in Nashville TN at a Days Inn. The girls are swimming the pool arguing. About 1000 miles from home and nothing really changes. Now I'm mean cause I won't go get my swimsuit.

  • How dare you cross the girls and not get your swimsuit.

    Tell them you'll get a kilt instead:)

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Plenty of time to going swimming with them when we get to the hotel near Ft Jackson and later when we get to Myrtle Beach. Right now I'm just exhausted.

  • Been there, done that with kids (i have 4). I don't know which part is more exhausting - the driving or the kids who never get tired and are really wound up once you hit the hotel.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Hi, this is an interesting post for me as I am one of the "newbies" that perhaps one or two of you may be referring to. I am not new to databases or computing in general, but I am new to SQL in that I am currently in a job that, whilst not a pre-requesite when I got the job, I have decided that knowledge of and use of SQL/SQL server/T-SQL etc has been invaluable to help me carry out the tasks I am faced with on a day to day basis. I can understand the frustrations that some of you may have with perhaps "inane" questions about basic SQL stuff and to be honest i would agree in general...BUT I would suggest that there are probably a lot of people out there like me who trying to do their best in a difficult but rewarding job, working long hours and have families etc. who just don't always have the time to go searching for answers. I'm not trying to make excuses for people - I am not one of them and all my learning has come from sitting with people, asking questions in the office, reading/buying books, using resources like BOL, trial and error etc. - just take a deep breath next time you get a seemingly daft question!! 😀 Resources like this web site are brilliant and I learn something new every day and I never cease to be amazed at how many fantastic people there are out there willing to lend a hand along this numerically challenging road!!

  • This did get covered a while back , and the general opinion is that there is no such thing as a bad question. Just a badly formed one...

    Specifically posts such as..

    My server runs really slow , ive tried everything but its still slow. What else can I do ?

    Would really get a few peoples blood boiling. Even more if the suggestion

    Have you tried Updating statistics ?

    is posted and gets the reply


    Then i feel that it's quite justified in having a little moan about it, life is to short for this sort of guessing game.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • chris.warriner (10/14/2009)

    Hi, this is an interesting post for me as I am one of the "newbies" that perhaps one or two of you may be referring to. I am not new to databases or computing in general, but I am new to SQL in that I am currently in a job that, whilst not a pre-requesite when I got the job, I have decided that knowledge of and use of SQL/SQL server/T-SQL etc has been invaluable to help me carry out the tasks I am faced with on a day to day basis. I can understand the frustrations that some of you may have with perhaps "inane" questions about basic SQL stuff and to be honest i would agree in general...BUT I would suggest that there are probably a lot of people out there like me who trying to do their best in a difficult but rewarding job, working long hours and have families etc. who just don't always have the time to go searching for answers. I'm not trying to make excuses for people - I am not one of them and all my learning has come from sitting with people, asking questions in the office, reading/buying books, using resources like BOL, trial and error etc. - just take a deep breath next time you get a seemingly daft question!! 😀 Resources like this web site are brilliant and I learn something new every day and I never cease to be amazed at how many fantastic people there are out there willing to lend a hand along this numerically challenging road!!

    Questions are welcomed, good gosh, they're encouraged. Please, ask away.

    Just don't post your homework questions with no evidence that you've even attempted to answer them on your own. Try, just try, looking up a word in BOL before asking what it is in the forums. As was said above, don't just say "My query a)doesn't work b)is slow c)doesn't return the data I want d)isn't formatted the way I like e)etc." Show what the query is, what the structure is, what you expected, what you got... Literally, help us, help you.

    I understand, most people on here understand, that you might not even know how to phrase the question. Lots of people hit that problem. But when we ask you to rephrase or expand on the question, don't attack us, dismiss us or ignore us. We're just trying to help.

    It's stuff like this that's getting people frustrated, not simply questions asked. Please, please, please, ask questions. It's what drives this site.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Grant Fritchey (10/13/2009)

    Since most of the denizens of The Thread are not on Twitter, I should spread the word here as well. In my absolute dictatorial power as no one of consequence, I have declared Wednesday at the PASS Summit this year to be Kilt Day.

    Be sure & wear one.

    oooOOOooo... Kilts! Kilts are sexy! I love a guy in a kilt. (Just in case anyone is wondering, yes, I am female IRL.) The full Prince Charlie outfit... <sigh> But then, I also like the classic tuxedo with tails. 😀 Call me old fashioned, but, I do appreciate the classic formal wear.

    Couldn't tell you what it is about a kilt, cause a guy in a skirt or dress is just plain silly (or disturbing). But a kilt, I like the look. And yes, a picture would be nice to see. 😛

    -- Kit

  • Chris, I am not bothered at all by basic questions from beginners. The irritation comes from people who post next to no background information and expect us to fill in the other 90% for them. Even with the understanding that English may not be their first language, they are asking for help from a bunch of unpaid volunteers, and should understand that they have some responsibility to help us help them.

    Homework assignments and especially interview questions are also somewhat irritating, because the OPs want us to supply answers so they can display expertise they don't really possess. That is detrimental to a lot of people in the long run, because it puts unqualified people in positions of responsibility.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Grant, On second thought, forget it... 😀 I do not think I want to have nightmares....;-)

    The rest of the people in the THREAD can wear a kilt And I dont think it is a wise idea for me to wear Kilt on Wednesday to work....:-P


  • Bob Hovious 24601 (10/14/2009)

    Chris, I am not bothered at all by basic questions from beginners. The irritation comes from people who post next to no background information and expect us to fill in the other 90% for them. Even with the understanding that English may not be their first language, they are asking for help from a bunch of unpaid volunteers, and should understand that they have some responsibility to help us help them.

    Homework assignments and especially interview questions are also somewhat irritating, because the OPs want us to supply answers so they can display expertise they don't really possess. That is detrimental to a lot of people in the long run, because it puts unqualified people in positions of responsibility.

    To expand on what has been said already, there are a couple of scenarios that upset people i think and that is when the topic is marked as either very urgent and is a trivial question or when the op posts a similar question about 15 minutes later asking the same question but worded differently. what can annoy me if they say they are either a DBA or have their certifications displayed proudly in their signature yet are asking very basic questions.

    Following on from Bobs last comment

    Homework assignments and especially interview questions are also somewhat irritating, because the OPs want us to supply answers so they can display expertise they don't really possess. That is detrimental to a lot of people in the long run, because it puts unqualified people in positions of responsibility.

    It can also mean that employers take them to be more knowledgeable than they really are and make ill-advised decisions, like employing them for one and not employing someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

    [highlight]Recommended Articles on How to help us help you and[/highlight]
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  • chris.warriner (10/14/2009)

    Hi, this is an interesting post for me as I am one of the "newbies" that perhaps one or two of you may be referring to. I am not new to databases or computing in general, but I am new to SQL in that I am currently in a job that, whilst not a pre-requesite when I got the job, I have decided that knowledge of and use of SQL/SQL server/T-SQL etc has been invaluable to help me carry out the tasks I am faced with on a day to day basis. I can understand the frustrations that some of you may have with perhaps "inane" questions about basic SQL stuff and to be honest i would agree in general...BUT I would suggest that there are probably a lot of people out there like me who trying to do their best in a difficult but rewarding job, working long hours and have families etc. who just don't always have the time to go searching for answers. I'm not trying to make excuses for people - I am not one of them and all my learning has come from sitting with people, asking questions in the office, reading/buying books, using resources like BOL, trial and error etc. - just take a deep breath next time you get a seemingly daft question!! 😀 Resources like this web site are brilliant and I learn something new every day and I never cease to be amazed at how many fantastic people there are out there willing to lend a hand along this numerically challenging road!!

    It's not the "newbie questions" that bother us. It's the people who ask something that requires more details to solve, and then refuse to provide the necessary details. That kind of thing.

    Of course, the thing that bothers us most is people who treat us like unpaid consultants and want complex work done for free.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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