Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/14/2014)

    Is quoting and general access slow for anyone else today?

    yes, sometimes pages take half a minute or more to lead - whether it's quoting or just reading a new page doesn't seem to make a difference, and it happens a couple of times then stops happening for a while and then starts again.

    Possibly related is notification posts taking wildly different times to get from SQLS Central to here - the notification for a comment may arrive half a minute or so after the notification for a reply to that comment. Both that and the page loading delays might be congestion being mishandled (bug in adaptive routing) in the internet somewhere very close to your server, but seeing that problem again this long after the early days would be really surprising.


  • Congratulations Grant! Now the work begins.

    When you encounter a problem, if the solution isn't readily evident go back to the start and check your assumptions.
    It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.
    What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?
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  • Luis Cazares (10/14/2014)

    In an unrelated topic, have you ever seen a code and want to vomit but after formatting it you just want to cry? I really can't understand how things continue to work in my office.

    I used to see that sort of code quite often; most people who right code shouldn't be allowed to, they never learn to write decent code. Even those of us who have learnt to write decent code sometimes make a right pig's breakfast of something.


  • TomThomson (10/15/2014)

    Luis Cazares (10/14/2014)

    In an unrelated topic, have you ever seen a code and want to vomit but after formatting it you just want to cry? I really can't understand how things continue to work in my office.

    I used to see that sort of code quite often; most people who right code shouldn't be allowed to, they never learn to write decent code. Even those of us who have learnt to write decent code sometimes make a right pig's breakfast of something.

    +1. and I think I'm going to start adding "make a right pig's breakfast" to my lexicon. I like that one.:-D

  • Well deserved Grant!!! Kudos!!!


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  • Congrats Grant

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • I suspect slowness now is the synchronous call to the Askimet app on posting. I've asked if we can change this to a background thread that looks for changes in posts and then checks (and hides) them as SPAM if need be.

    We have items dropping into a thread, and so far seems that only 1 (of many posts) was a false positive.

    We'll see if things improve.

    I also asked them to look over the indexing. Certainly the "reply" button shouldn't be slow.

  • I'm noticing the biggest slowdown to be when reading threads and on the 'posts since my last visit/posts added today'

    Gail Shaw
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    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Had few time-outs today, took me half an hour to respond to one post using the 3/4G on the mobile. Thought it was a carrier issue but then on a fibre connection I got similar (slightly better). Don't think the issue is on my end.

    Another annoyance is the Active Threads[/url] thingy, behaving kind of strange, initial request brings two or three pages, respond to one and then the next time only one or two posts show up.


  • Luis Cazares (10/15/2014)

    Grant, Congratulations on being elected as a member of the PASS board!


    Congrats. Now go kick *ss in that board πŸ™‚

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Congratulations Grant

  • Congrats Grant!

  • Hey Grant, you do realise that your utili kilt just won't cut the mustard now on Kilt Day at the Summit. You need a proper one with you special PASS cloth πŸ˜€


  • The slowness of this website has gotten a lot worse for the past few days, hardly workable as it is. I'm not going to speculate on the causes but the consequences are obvious, people will turn to other sites and probably are doing so already.


  • Eirikur Eiriksson (10/18/2014)

    The slowness of this website has gotten a lot worse for the past few days, hardly workable as it is. I'm not going to speculate on the causes but the consequences are obvious, people will turn to other sites and probably are doing so already.


    The issue is noted.

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