September 30, 2014 at 10:03 am
GilaMonster (9/30/2014)
It seems like every time I've moved office, except for the time when I moved to working from home, it's to smaller desks with less privacy. 🙁
You may find that as you get older it gets better ;-). But I suspect that as you get older you'll get more used to it :(.
Over my time in computing I've worked in all sorts of ghastly open plan, both with and without sensible partitioning, but also in individual one man offices some of the time and sometimes in four of five man offices, as well as spending quite a bit of time working from home. Oddly enough the higher up the management tree I got the more likely I was to be in ghastly open plan. It's been known for decades that ghastly open plan reduces productivity, demotivates staff, and increases staff absence, and does this even more so when it doesn't provide individuals with enough space to hold their equipment and tools comfortably and do their work in, but industry has been taken over largely by senior management who don't understand why looking at the evidence before making decisions might be a good idea and just assume that open plan must be best because it's cheap and allows supervisors to see what's going on. Some people claim that managers like that are becoming fewer as a result of the Darwin effect, but I don't believe they are - the old friends network ensures the survival of the unfittest. There are still a lot of those managers mismanaging, and anyway we have the legacy of decades of building decisions that produced buildings that are unsuitable for anything but open plan and even sensible managers end up stuck with it because no other buildings are available.
September 30, 2014 at 10:43 am
SQLRNNR (9/30/2014)
Melanie.Townsend (9/23/2014)
I've just logged a request with the developers to see if they can have a look and see if we can get the points back. Fingers crossed.Melanie
I am curious if we have any update on this. We still see the negative points.
Me too. What's the word?
September 30, 2014 at 11:57 am
GilaMonster (9/30/2014)
Jack Corbett (9/30/2014)
1. I'd work from home almost exclusively in this case and just be in the office for meetings.This, in an instant.
I SO want to find a job working from home when I redeploy from Afghanistan. I want control of my work environment, at least for a while. It isn't the long hours and no breaks during the week. It's the constant foul language used out here when there really is no reason for it. And it doesn't matter if I complain about it, it still continues. I know, I've complained to the people that do it.
September 30, 2014 at 3:14 pm
How silver spoon can you get???
September 30, 2014 at 3:25 pm
Lynn Pettis (9/30/2014)
How silver spoon can you get???
Can you tell me how to connect to SQL Server? Where do I find SSMS? What should I put in password? How did I get here? Who am I? :hehe:
September 30, 2014 at 3:30 pm
Lynn Pettis (9/30/2014)
How silver spoon can you get???
Four thousand plus points....
Anyway, could I possibly prevail upon the folks around here to do a little testing for me please. I've recently been put in charge of this and I've never built a website in my life. The version here is the one I've created and let's say it's not the busiest site in the world. I wonder if you kind people could please pass by and see if there's any glaring errors or if there are any things I could improve on drastically. It's definitely a work in progress and I've a few ideas myself but I'd appreciate it if you could have look let me know about any clangers that we amateurs may miss. PS I'm pretty proud of it as it stands. You should have seen the old site 😀
How to post a question to get the most help
September 30, 2014 at 3:52 pm
BWFC (9/30/2014)
Lynn Pettis (9/30/2014)
How silver spoon can you get???Four thousand plus points....
Anyway, could I possibly prevail upon the folks around here to do a little testing for me please. I've recently been put in charge of this and I've never built a website in my life. The version here is the one I've created and let's say it's not the busiest site in the world. I wonder if you kind people could please pass by and see if there's any glaring errors or if there are any things I could improve on drastically. It's definitely a work in progress and I've a few ideas myself but I'd appreciate it if you could have look let me know about any clangers that we amateurs may miss. PS I'm pretty proud of it as it stands. You should have seen the old site 😀
These are some comments with no interest on diminishing your effort.
- Design could improve, but I can't give specific ideas.
- It seems that search isn't functional.
- What seems to be a link to the members section on the front page doesn't work (can't figure why is it there or any of those links).
- You should name your pages adequately or you'll have problems remembering which one is the correct page.
- "Back" link on "Self Management" page doesn't work (probably due to the naming issues :w00t:).
- Submit button on application page is confusing. What does it submit? What's the textbox for?
- I'd remove the "click the logo above..." legend on the Contact Us page.
I hope that it helps and maybe someone that has more experience on websites can help you more. 😉
September 30, 2014 at 4:19 pm
BWFC (9/30/2014)
Lynn Pettis (9/30/2014)
How silver spoon can you get???Four thousand plus points....
Anyway, could I possibly prevail upon the folks around here to do a little testing for me please. I've recently been put in charge of this and I've never built a website in my life. The version here is the one I've created and let's say it's not the busiest site in the world. I wonder if you kind people could please pass by and see if there's any glaring errors or if there are any things I could improve on drastically. It's definitely a work in progress and I've a few ideas myself but I'd appreciate it if you could have look let me know about any clangers that we amateurs may miss. PS I'm pretty proud of it as it stands. You should have seen the old site 😀
Couldn't hit the site from Afghanistan, so really can't give you any feedback.
September 30, 2014 at 4:47 pm
Luis Cazares (9/30/2014)
These are some comments with no interest on diminishing your effort.
- Design could improve, but I can't give specific ideas.--I know, it's definitely a work in progress. A book on web design has been ordered. Trust me though, this is an improvement
- It seems that search isn't functional. --Good spot, I didn't test that :ermm:
- What seems to be a link to the members section on the front page doesn't work (can't figure why is it there or any of those links).--I think that's actually a good thing if it's asking for authentication. There is a private area for members of the allotment society. My wife can get in as a member, if you can't get in as a non-member I can call that one a win
- You should name your pages adequately or you'll have problems remembering which one is the correct page.--I'm not with you there, which pages are unclear?
- "Back" link on "Self Management" page doesn't work (probably due to the naming issues :w00t:). --Or my inexperience at web design, I'll have another look at that.
- Submit button on application page is confusing. What does it submit? What's the textbox for? --Again, good spot. There's supposed to be a form there.
- I'd remove the "click the logo above..." legend on the Contact Us page.Why? Would you suggest just including the link or just the logo? We need to include some way of getting in touch with the council as part of our contract with them.
I hope that it helps and maybe someone that has more experience on websites can help you more. 😉
Thanks for your help Luis. I'll get it looking professional in the end.
'You work in IT, you run the website', said the committee.
'Err', said I.
PS I know some of the content is out of date, it's just taken me months to get the thing posted! It's one step at a time. The hard work has only just begun I think.
How to post a question to get the most help
September 30, 2014 at 4:50 pm
"Do I really have to do things the proper way?"
Gail Shaw
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability
September 30, 2014 at 6:17 pm
BWFC (9/30/2014)
Anyway, could I possibly prevail upon the folks around here to do a little testing for me please. I've recently been put in charge of this and I've never built a website in my life. The version here is the one I've created and let's say it's not the busiest site in the world. I wonder if you kind people could please pass by and see if there's any glaring errors or if there are any things I could improve on drastically. It's definitely a work in progress and I've a few ideas myself but I'd appreciate it if you could have look let me know about any clangers that we amateurs may miss. PS I'm pretty proud of it as it stands. You should have seen the old site 😀
Hope these comments help.
It doesn't look very tidy, but I haven't any suggestions for fixing that. I think that means the same as Luis' first comment. Overall, there's not a lot wrong with the site.
On the contact us page, the "short messaging facility below" isn't there.
Also on the contact us page, this is a strange page to put a search box on, and the box doesn't work.
On the Apply for Allotment page, the PDF version of the form appears not to be PDF. The word versin seems OK.
Also, the little box in between the PDF and Word form links has no apparent purpose, maybe it's intended that people fill in one of the forms in the browser and hit the submit button to send mail, but I suspect that won't send the form in most browsers unless you stick some clever JScript behind it; currently the submit button just brings up a blank email with the To and Subject fields filled in (and in my Firefox the Subject fields says "Foirm a fhuaradh o Firefox" - I guess Firefox is translating to the language of its installed version, which will probably be OK when it's people in Rossendale who installed it) and "nma=" in the text.
Also on that page, the Free Lane map doesn't have a position indicator and does have a list of apparently irrelevant locations; you can't tell from that map where those allotments are; the other two maps are OK. And again there's a search box at the top right that seems odd on this page, and doesn't work.
Pages that use javascript should detect when the browser doesn't support it and put up a sensible message asking for it to be enabled, rather than leave something marked as "loading" for ever or produce the useless error message "failed to generate google map". The About Us page sometimes produces the eror message, sometimes just leaves the map box marked "loading".
The Home page also uses JScript, but doesn't complain if it's not enabled - that may be a bad thing, or may not.
The thumbnails on the gallery page are too small. Also, there's no indication what the groups are and no indication even that here are two groups until you put the mouse over the next group button - maybe the word "group" was a bad choice. The full page function is almost pointless since all it does (other than removing the text and moving the picture frame to the edges of the screen) is show all thumbnails istead of just one group - it doesn't change the size of the main picture or of the thumbnails.
September 30, 2014 at 8:46 pm
Ed Wagner (9/30/2014)
SQLRNNR (9/30/2014)
Melanie.Townsend (9/23/2014)
I've just logged a request with the developers to see if they can have a look and see if we can get the points back. Fingers crossed.Melanie
I am curious if we have any update on this. We still see the negative points.
Me too. What's the word?
No idea. Sent a note off
October 1, 2014 at 2:22 am
The promised picture
This shows about the rear 1/4 of my desk, slap in the centre (left-right).
Gail Shaw
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability
October 1, 2014 at 2:48 am
BWFC (9/30/2014)
'You work in IT, you run the website', said the committee.
'Err', said I.
I feel your pain - that's how I ended up with the website for my wife's workplace
-------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx
October 1, 2014 at 3:38 am
Stuart Davies (10/1/2014)
BWFC (9/30/2014)
'You work in IT, you run the website', said the committee.
'Err', said I.
I feel your pain - that's how I ended up with the website for my wife's workplace
That's how I started my career in IT. I had a computer at home (way back in the early nineties) and the company just started to work woth computers. Every time an issue occurred and they asked for help I was assigned solving it --because you know computers--. After a year or two I noticed this is where my passion was, so I moved on to a full-time job in computer management. Never regretted the step...
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