are mutiple sql server instances allowed on the same machine?

  • Are multiple SQL Server instances allowed on the same machine?

    I have a SQL Server instance installed on the C drive. The C drive only has about 1 GB left. However the D drive has 100GB.

    I have an additional database I need to host on the machine that is 5GB. I tried to do a basic restore from a db back on the D drive through SSMS but it looks like SQL Server tries to restore the database to the SQL Server installation drive. I'm not aware of a way to change that behavior or if that's just the way SQL Server works.

    I'm guessing that it's not possible to install an additional instance of SQL Server on the D drive whereas the first instance is on the C drive? I'm not a DBA and I'm just trying to figure out if there's a workaround with the constraints I've been given.

    If you know the answer to this then please let me know!

  • look into the 'with move' clause of the restore database command

    if you are using the gui you can specify where to restore the database files to on the options tab


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