Are clustered index columns actually usable in non-clustered indexes?

  • I have read that non-clustered indexes are built using the clustered index keys. Does that mean that explicitly including columns present in a clustered index in the definition of a non-clustered index is redundant? Suppose I have a clustered index on TransactionDate, and want to query by (WorkOrder, TransactionDate) Should I declare the non-clustered index to have both (WorkOrder, TransactionDate), or is just (WorkOrder) sufficient to cover the query?

  • Just WorkOrder, you will also find that if the only value to return is TransactionDate based on choice of looking up a workorder that the index still acts as a covering index in that situation because both values are present in the non-clustered index.

  • IF you already have the clustered index WorkOrder, TransactionDate DO NOT add a NON-CLUSTER index to do the same thing.  This is redundant and could cause perf. issues

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • That's why you 'll want to have your clustering keys as small as possible.

    All your NCI's will be affected because they nolonger contain RIDs but CI-keys.


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