Appsec dbProtect or Idera SQL Secure/Complaince Manager

  • As part of our PCI compliance we're required to audit the databases to the nth degree and had a demo done on both these products.

    The more time i spend playing around with compliance manager the more i don't like it but was wondering if anyone has used either of these products in a production environment before i take the plunge and go for dbProtect?

    Just looking for any comments or thoughts on the products


    Chris 😀

    _________________________________________________________________________________SQLGeordieWeb:- Jarrin ConsultancyBlog:- @SQLGeordie

  • You'll find that a lot of auditors used AppDetectivePro which is from the same company as DbProtect. The results should be consistent which will make your life easier.

  • Going through the same eval right now myself. No question dbProtect is a more sophisticated and comprehensive product, but it is $$$ (about 10k a server), so it looks like Idera CM it is 😀

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