Apply scripts to UAT server

  • Hi

    I have around 100 sql scripts from development server to the UAT database. I have once script per table creation, and one script per stored procedure and I wanted to know if there's an alternative to me loading each script one at a time in Query Analyser and executing it.


  • You could use EM to generate a single T-SQL script. Right-click on the database name > All Tasks > Generate Sql Script. Click on the show all button and you can then select which objects to script.

    Click on the Options tab and ensure that any permissions, indexes, triggers and keys are copied as necessary. Also check that the Files To Generate option is set to Create One File.

    You can then run this single script in query analyzer.


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  • Thanks Adrian but I wanted to avoid the route you suggest since the EM sometimes generates other informations like collation etc. which I'd prefer not to carry over.

  • Do you have these scripts already saved as .sql or .whatever files in a directory?

    * Added *

    If you have, you could use the procedure below utilising a function that reads files. This function can be found at:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'spExecuteSqlFromFiles' AND xtype = 'P')

     DROP PROCEDURE spExecuteSqlFromFiles


    CREATE PROC spExecuteSqlFromFiles(

     @path VARCHAR(2000)




    DECLARE @dirCmd VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @sqlCmd VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @file VARCHAR(2000)

    -- Retrieve Directory contents to temporary table

    CREATE TABLE #dirContents (dirLine VARCHAR(100))

    SET @dirCmd = 'DIR ' + @path

    INSERT INTO #dirContents

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @dirCmd

    -- Remove all lines that are not filenames

    DELETE FROM #dirContents

    WHERE dirLine NOT LIKE '%/.sql%' ESCAPE '/' -- Not a .sql File

    -- Loop through files executing each one using oSql

    DECLARE csr_FilesToExecute CURSOR FOR

    SELECT RTRIM(RIGHT(dirLine, LEN(dirLine) - 39))

    FROM #dirContents

    OPEN csr_FilesToExecute

    FETCH NEXT FROM csr_FilesToExecute INTO @file



     SET @sqlCmd = ''

     -- Build Sql Command from file using utfReadFileAsTable

     SELECT  @sqlCmd = @sqlCmd + line

     FROM  Dbo.uftReadfileAsTable(@path, @file)

     WHERE  line not like '#%'

     AND  line not like '%error%'


     EXEC (@sqlCmd)

     FETCH NEXT FROM csr_FilesToExecute INTO @file


    -- Tidy Up

    CLOSE csr_FilesToExecute

    DEALLOCATE csr_FilesToExecute

    DROP TABLE #dirContents


    -- Execute the procedure

    DECLARE @path VARCHAR(2000)

    SET @path = 'C:\scripts\automation\'

    EXEC spExecuteSqlFromFiles @path

    This is okay if you're sql files are less than 8000 characters. I'm now working on something that is less of a "quick fix" strategy.


    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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  • Thanks Adrian.

    I think I'll use the same concept but use a bat file containing one line per osql call where the osql will execute the script.


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