Apply a label to the all member when querying allmembers from a hierarchy

  • I need to create an MDX query returning allmembers from a hierarchy as I need the value for the All level of the Hierarchy. When I do this with the ALLMEMBERS function (null) is returned as the member name rather than All. Is it possible for me to set something in the cube to return a label for the All member used in this way.

    You can see an example query below which queries the AdventureWorks cube.

    SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Reseller Sales Count], [Measures].[Reseller Sales-Sales Amount] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Reseller].[Business Type].Allmembers) } ON ROWS FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]

    What I want to see is 'All' rather than (null)

  • You could use the "AllMemberName" property of the hierarchy. See

  • Hi,

    This doesn't solve the problem. It only seems to change the label of the dimension when browsing the dimension. Writing an MDX query against the attribute hierarchy with ALLMEMBERS returns (null) in the query results (in SSMS/SSDT/Excel) regardless of AttributeAllMemberName.

    I need member name present as the user needs to slice on it. I can't use Excel pivot aggregation as the measure is a distinct count hence need to calculate it in SSAS.

    Not sure if this is a bug in SSAS or related to the fact ALL is not stored in the dimension.

    Only thing I can think of is to write VBA in Excel to replace NULL with ALL. But this is not ideal.

  • This problem went away. Power Pivot solved the problem with a DAX calculation.

  • leehbi (6/16/2016)

    This problem went away. Power Pivot solved the problem with a DAX calculation.

    Interesting...might have been an Excel nuance?

  • It was not an Excel thing - saw the same results with SSMS. I'm pretty sure it's related to the fact that ALL isn't a member name in strictest of sense.

    You can see this issue for yourself with Adventure Works.

  • leehbi (6/17/2016)

    It was not an Excel thing - saw the same results with SSMS. I'm pretty sure it's related to the fact that ALL isn't a member name in strictest of sense.

    You can see this issue for yourself with Adventure Works.

    I've run this query against both the multimensional and tabular versions of the adventureworks samples and cannot reproduce the issue (the defined All Member name shows up each time). Strange.

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